Friday Fetch: Dog for Dog Treats

Dog for Dog is a company I can get behind because their motto is Feed Your Dog – Feed a Dog in Need.

At DOG for DOG, we give love to every dog we come across. And every time you purchase our dog food and treats, we donate a like item to a dog in need. It’s that simple: when you buy one, we give one.

With tasty treats like Dog Bars, Peanut Butter that helps your skin and coat, treats and more – I’m totally on board!

Friday Fetch: Dog for Dog Treats // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Dog for Dog Treats // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Dog for Dog Treats // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Dog for Dog Treats // Ammo the Dachshund

You can fetch your own Dog for Dog Products, and help a rescue dog in need! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Donna

    Ammo, I purchased some of this peanut butter at our local pet store and my dachshund loves it. But then she loves most all food and treats. Love and kisses from Heidi the wonder dachshund.

  2. Jill C.

    I got the DogsButter for my Cairns and they LOOOOVE it! We love Dog for Dog and will continue to support them 🙂

  3. R

    Hi Ammo,

    Random question, but what is the type of ID tag that you use that you can clip from one collar to another?


  4. I saw the Dogsbar when I went to Superzoo. I think I liked their peanut butter best. We can’t always volunteer our time or give direct donation so it is great when you can do something good by buying something you need anyway.

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