A Clean Bill of Health

Ammo's Annual Vet Visit // Ammo the Dachshund

What I thought was just a typical car ride for me turned into an unexpected pit stop the other day when I found myself arriving at my vet’s office.

Ammo's Annual Vet Visit // Ammo the Dachshund

I must admit, shots and a physical exam are never on my to-do list, but it’s a necessary evil I guess.

Ammo's Annual Vet Visit // Ammo the Dachshund

As friendly as the staff at my vet’s office is, I’m just never my typical happy tail wagging self. I can’t help it when my first REAL memory at the vet is being neutered!

Ammo's Annual Vet Visit // Ammo the Dachshund

While I was waiting for my turn in the exam room I did find a happy little surprise. My Halloween costume made the bulletin board, and it turns out I won first place for the best character costume. How cool!

Ammo's Annual Vet Visit // Ammo the Dachshund

When it was finally my turn to be examined I tried to put on a brave face.

Ammo's Annual Vet Visit // Ammo the Dachshund

Mom helped a bit by bringing along one of my favorite snacks, peanut butter. She’s been carrying it around in her pocket for weeks and using it to help me build a positive association with things I’m a little scared of. (the vet, the vacuum, etc). I have to admit, peanut butter does help make everything a little bit better!

Ammo's Annual Vet Visit // Ammo the Dachshund

My vet came in and examined my weight and body condition, and I had a few routine tests done before getting my annual vaccines.

Ammo's Annual Vet Visit // Ammo the Dachshund

I’m happy to report that I got a clean bill of health, clocking in at 18.8 pounds my vet said that I’m in perfect condition and weight for my size. My blood test even came back negative for lyme after I tested positive last year for anaplasmosis (a type of lyme). So it’s great that there was no traces of it found in my body this year.

I hope your puppies are feeling happy and healthy too!

Next week I’ll be sharing just how I keep my body in tip top shape – perfect timing right before Thanksgiving, so stay tuned! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. JB

    Ammo – so glad you have a clean bill of health! Your mom is so smart to offer you peanut butter as a distraction. Maybe next time you go to the vet you should wear your super hero outfit to help you be brave.

    • Ammo

      good idea, super heroes aren’t afraid of anything!

  2. Donna

    Ammo, I am so happy you’re healthy and doing so well. My dachshund, Heidi, recently had a bad scare. She knocked a chocolate cake off he kitchen table and ate a quarter of it. Needless to say she bloated pretty bad so we had to take her to the animal er when they induced vomiting and intravenous. She is fine now but I will never leave food on the table again. She jumps like a jack rabbit so we think she must have “nosed” the pan and it feel off the table.

    • Ammo

      Yikes, glad she’s ok now! Us dachshunds certainly have springs in our legs!

  3. Ammo, Ruby had a vet visit yesterday and weighed in exactly the same as you at 18.8! I really like the peanut butter squeeze bottle idea! Is there a bottle you recommend?

    • Ammo

      I’m using the treat toob, which I wrote a friday fetch about recently, I ended up purchasing a couple from Amazon
      . They’re great for high-value treats!

  4. Mr Lenny

    Wow..you do better than me Ammo…I run for the door…might have to put the tube on my list for Santa!
    I weigh 18.8 lbs too ..yippee :0)

  5. Christa Harrell

    So glad your exam was good!!!!

  6. Glad you’re 100% perfect! But we all knew you were. 😉 I go in for my yearly exam on Friday, but thankfully I’m not getting any shots!

  7. kaizer.co.kr

    Great article.

  8. I’ve been lucky that all my boys the last 15 years have treated the vets office like a social event.

  9. I’m so glad! My pups had to go on Monday and get shots!!!! They have been healthy so they’re not really afraid to go, as they don’t need to go often. They’re in good health, the vetty lady like the food we are feeding them, the fact that they don’t get table scraps and have good weight. Yea!!

  10. Wally wont go near vet but takes ALL the treats she tosses to him! He gets good marks in food motivation!

  11. It is good that you share both the fact that you don’t particularly like going to the vet and you know it is important so you go every year. I like that you set a good example for all pets and their humans. Thank you Ammo. Glad you got a clean bill of health 🙂

  12. Magnus has anxiety issues. We bring treats everywhere. Mostly meat. He definitely hates the vet. Hates hates hates the vet.

  13. I may have to try the peanut butter thing when we go to the vet.

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