Friday Fetch: Lickable Healthy Dog Treats

I’m a big fan of lick-able treats. My mom always carries one of these TreatToobs filled with peanut butter with her as a high-value training treat for me. So when I spotted these lickable treats from Leanlix I was intrigued. These low-calorie treats are made from human grade ingredients in the USA. With flavors like free range chicken, cheese, hot dog, and pb&j – I’m totally ready for a lick!

Friday Fetch: Leanlix Lickable Low-Calorie Dog Training Rewards // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Leanlix Lickable Low-Calorie Dog Training Rewards // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Leanlix Lickable Low-Calorie Dog Training Rewards // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Leanlix Lickable Low-Calorie Dog Training Rewards // Ammo the Dachshund

You can fetch your own Leanix treats in 2 sizes starting at $12.95. Ammo the Dachshund


  1. The Treat Toob is a must-have, and I like Leanlix a lot too! They make nail-trimming a breeze. It did take some work to get Ruby to lick and not bite at them (or grab the whole thing and run off…) but she has it down now! Super great thing to have on hand for trips to the vet, etc.

    • Ammo

      Love the idea about using it for nail trimming! I just might have to tell my mom about that one!

  2. Cathy

    OMG. Bruno and I just started obedience classes and the trainer just recommended these. I was afraid he was going to get fat rewarding him so much for all his good behavior. Lol. I thought it might help me from not having to bend down constantly. Excited to give these a try.

    • Ammo

      I use the TreatToob mentioned earlier in this post filled with peanutbutter in my agility classes. Works great and these look like pretty much the same thing only you don’t have to fill them yourself. I haven’t tried them yet myself but they definitely look fun!

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