Adventures in Home Improvement

Adventures in Home Improvement // Ammo the Dachshund

Over the weekend I took a trip with my family to my favorite dog friendly home improvement store.

Adventures in Home Improvement // Ammo the Dachshund

As with many trips to the home improvement store, I wouldn’t exactly call it thrilling.

Adventures in Home Improvement // Ammo the Dachshund

Shopping for all the things necessary for a future kitchen remodel at my house is enough to bore a dog to sleep (as if my big yawn wasn’t clue enough).

Adventures in Home Improvement // Ammo the Dachshund

Eventually I convinced mom and dad that if they let me out of the cart our trip would be much easier – since I’m great at sniffing out deals!

Adventures in Home Improvement // Ammo the Dachshund

Little did I know that once out of the cart mom would make me practice my sit/stays and healing. I guess a working dog’s work is never done!

Adventures in Home Improvement // Ammo the Dachshund

Eventually we made our way over to the kitchen appliances and I was ecstatic to see that the new trend in fridges were easy to reach and easy to open – perfect for little dogs with short little legs!

Adventures in Home Improvement // Ammo the Dachshund

Despite my desperate pleas that we must upgrade our fridge to one of these, mom and dad said I have to save a lot more pennies before we can afford to buy one of them. Darn! Just when I had figured out where I plan to store all my hot dogs. At least a dog can dream.

Adventures in Home Improvement // Ammo the Dachshund

What we did come home with was a new dishwasher (on account of mine has been leaking all over the floor….and mom and dad got tired of chasing me around the house after the towels that were supposed to be keeping the floor dry….hehe).

Although honestly I don’t see the point, considering I’m the absolute best dishwasher they are ever going to find!Ammo the Dachshund

Does your dog think he’s an expert dishwasher too?



  1. Donna

    You’re lucky, Ammo. Our Loews in Oaks doesn’t allow dogs. You’ll get that refrigerator some day. Keep your little paws crossed.

    • Ammo

      That’s a bummer. I really think all shops should be dog friendly!

  2. Nerissa's Life

    You get to go shoppin’ with your peeps? NICE! I’ve never been able to go shoppin’ with mine. MOUSES!

    So this ‘dog friendly’ store… Ummm… How do they feel ’bout cats? Can cats go shoppin’ there, too?


    • Ammo

      Shopping cats, now that’s a concept! There’s always a first time for everything!!

  3. Did you go to Lowe’s? They’re my favorite; cause my daughter works for them! haha I like that refrigerator too, you could easily reach in there for your treats!! Remodels get expensive fast!!

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