
Did you ever get a case of the zoomies? You know the feeling, all you want to do is run as fast as you can – ears flapping in the wind – your best friend trailing hopelessly behind you. Just the usual….

Zoomies // Ammo the Dachshund

Does your dog ever get the zoomies? Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Doxie Mom

    My boys get a case of the roomies just about daily and chase each other around and under the deck or use my livingroom as their race course banking off of the couch.

  2. Roco-Ange

    Oh yes! I call the zoomies a case of the Storm before the Calm! I run like you, Ammo, then, I fall asleep! Roco-Ange

  3. Donna

    My dachshund, Heidi, gets the zoomies all the time. She races around the flower bed, up on the porch and around the bed again and again. When she’s in the house she runs around the coffee table and then into the dining room around that table and back to the coffee table. I call her my racing dachshund.

  4. Shirley

    We have two little mini dachshunds who get the zoomies and run circles around our sofa. However, we don’t call it the zoomies – we call it “the rips”! 🙂

  5. JB

    Ammo – you can really fly! Or should I say ZOOM?!

  6. My dachshund gets them all the time.I call her the racing dog. She is so cute when she does it.

  7. I didn’t know the proper name for them before now but now I know exactly! My doxie gets them once in a while but for no apparent reason and usually inside the house..not outdoors where there is so much more room.
    What makes zooming so much fun??

  8. Did you all know the tell tale sign of the “zoomies” in us dachshunds? It’s the curled under tail!

  9. Our two little dachshunds both get them — we’ve always called it “the rips”! 🙂

  10. My Sunni, that I lost in 2009, was officially named (AKC) My Sunshine Zoomer! She was named this because I had given my German Shepherd, Duchess, the nickname Zoomer Girl because she would fly through the house like you and Trooper are doing in the video.

  11. We do not call them the zoomies. We call the act a psycho doggie freak out. Or we will say we have a psycho doggie happening. It happens quite frequently.

  12. Sounds like at least one of my dogs, particularly Teddy. He’s not a daschund, but her loves to run!

  13. “Us Chihuahuas getz da Zoomiez too! Meez super fast! Long leg Chi-Wa!” Luv, Monty

  14. Roco

    Oh, yes I get a case of the zoomies nearly every night running around the house as fast as I can!!! Ammo and I run exactly the same way!!!!???

  15. Ammo I had a German Shepherd that zoomed through the house and would push the mattress off the bed when she jumped up on it. After she went to the bridge I went and got Gracie’s sister from the breeder and named her Sunni. Her AKC name was My Sunshine Zoomer. She fit the bill perfectly. In 2009 she joined Duchess at the rainbow bridge and got to meet her name inspiration.

  16. Our dachshund girl runs through the house at lightning speed… we call her wild girl!

  17. Nico gets the zoomies too! He runs wicked fast around in circles….and he tries to get everyone to chase him!

  18. Dudley does. Sometimes he gets them on the sofa and runs back and forth until I can get him off. Toys will fly every where but he sure is happy.

  19. Oscar does the zoomie-rollie after he gets out of the bath… full out zoomies followed by legs-in-the-air rolling and repeat until he’s exhausted!

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