Movies in the Park

Movie in the Park // Ammo the Dachshund

Last week I went on a fun “end of the summer” adventure with mom and dad to watch an outdoor movie in my local park.

Movie in the Park // Ammo the Dachshund

And as if the sadness of Summer ending weren’t enough already, it was even chilly enough that I had to wear my sweatshirt!

Movie in the Park // Ammo the Dachshund

But despite the cooler weather, I was still pretty excited to roll out my Park It Mat and watch the classic movie, The Sandlot.

Movie in the Park // Ammo the Dachshund

There were lots of kids in attendance for the movie, but not too many of the furry four legged kind. That’s ok though, more popcorn for me!

Movie in the Park // Ammo the Dachshund

Only mom didn’t bring me any popcorn (the horror!), instead I had my strawberry toy stuffed with peanut butter to snack on. Can’t say I can complain!

Movie in the Park // Ammo the Dachshund

Watching The Sandlot under the stars was a fantastic way to wrap up my Summer. But don’t worry, I still have a few more summery things to squeeze in before it ends! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. JB

    Oh Ammo – you are just too precious with your little sweatshirt, mat and peanut butter filled strawberry!! Wow – I wish it were cool enough here to wear a jacket. Down here in GA, it’s still in the 90’s.

    • Ammo

      I’ve been lucky with a very mild summer this year. Just hope it’s not a preview to a super cold winter!

  2. Mr Lennyburger

    You look SMASHING IN RED!handsome. ..we go to them too …love movies in the park…in the dark. .I won’t even bark like a lark…unless I see a shark…lol

    Ok ok I’m done rhyming!

    Mr Lenny

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