Friday Fetch: Mason Jar Cookie Containers

I think my new years resolution should be to eat more cookies, what do you think? While I absolutely love a good cookie, I can also appreciate a good cookie jar! So when I stumbled across this beautiful collection of handcrafted mason jars from Here on the Farm – I just knew they would be even more stylish with dog treats inside!

Friday Fetch: Mason Jar Cookie Containers // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Mason Jar Cookie Containers // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Mason Jar Cookie Containers // Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Mason Jar Cookie Containers // Ammo the Dachshund

You can fetch your own Mason Jar Cookie Containers from Here on the FarmAmmo the Dachshund

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post, nor do I own any of these items – just simply wanted to share my latest find!


  1. what a special treat!! to my suprise i stumble upon your blog with my jars. awesome indeed! thank you so kindly for sharing….

    • Ammo

      You are welcome! If you’re ever interested in one of our very popular product review & giveaway posts with your products let us know! 🙂

  2. kim

    sure a review and giveaway sounds fun!! just shoot me an email and let me know what to do. thanks again!!

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