I bet you didn’t know I LOVE party balloons. Well it’s true, I thoroughly enjoy channeling my inner attack dog and going after that sucker until it pops! Just see for yourself…
Does your dog love or loathe balloons?
I bet you didn’t know I LOVE party balloons. Well it’s true, I thoroughly enjoy channeling my inner attack dog and going after that sucker until it pops! Just see for yourself…
Does your dog love or loathe balloons?
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My dachshund would never do that. She does LOVE her laser pointer. She has to have her dad use it every night. Her favorite thing to do is tear the pillows apart that he shines it on. So we keep all the old pillows just for our Heidi.
Ah the laser pointer! I have a love hate relationship with that. When it comes out I get so obsessed and frantic about it that when mom and dad turn it off I get so upset! I love to play with it, but can’t stand when it’s turned off!
Looks like you are having lots of fun!!!! We used to have a Basset/Springer spaniel mix that loved to do it, but had to watch him close, because as soon as it popped he would snatch a piece of the balloon and eat it!!!
Oh yes, my mom is sure to watch me when I play with the balloons, although once they pop I pretty much loose interest in them!
I didn’t know that!
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