Happy Easter Furiends!

Happy Easter from Ammo the Dachshund

Merry Easter my Friends! I hope the Easter Bunny brought you something egg-cellent!

Incase you still need some Easter Fun, check out these posts I wrote from years ago:

A Round-up of Easter DIY’s for your Dog
5 Minute No-sew Easter Bowtie for Dogs
Easter Egg Hunt for the Dog
Easter Bunny Disguise

P.S. If you want to make sure you never miss any of my posts, be sure to sign-up for e-mail notifications. It’s the best way to see all of my fun adventures! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Jane D

    Happy Easter to you Ammo! Hope you had a great day with your family.

  2. JB

    Hope you and your family had a happy Easter as well! XXXOOO

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