Last month I posted a collection of some of my favorite places to sleep. You guys seemed to love it so much that I couldn’t leave it at that. So incase you thought I already had a huge compilation of napping positions and spots… haven’t seen anything yet! Boring is not in my vocabulary, so without further ado, here’s my napping spots this past month…
And if you’re wondering where my all-time favorite spot to nap is just check out this post from last year about where I love to lay my head.
Where is your dog’s favorite spot to nap?Â
Daisy likes to sleep anywhere near me. On my lap is her favorite. She’s really enjoying the bed in my home office. Love Ammo’s sleepy pics but he better watch out on the sofa…he’s about to roll off!!
Laps are always a good option! And don’t worry, mom snapped a picture just quick enough before pushing me back on the couch!
Rosie, my Dachshund, sleeps in her bed preferably under her blankets. Then around 4am she taps my bed and under the covers she goes and her nose in my hair. She is a love bug on her terms.
Nothing better than snuggling under the covers with your favorite person!
Ammo, I loved seeing your napping photos!
Thanks! As you can see it’s a favorite hobby of mine!
Oh my, Ammo, you have quite a collection of sleeping places! (Plus, you are so cute!) My dog’s favorite spot is anywhere in the sun, but he also has a favorite place between our couch and ottoman that is “his corner” (the other side of the ottoman just isn’t as good). He especially likes it when he can curl up on top of peoples feet. When we let him, he also love to sit in our laps, but since he’s a lab, it’s a lot harder than it would be for you. 😉
Sounds a lot like my buddy Trooper! He’s always laying at people’s feet & likes to wedge himself between the couch & coffee table too! Must be a lab thing!
Great post Ammo! I do love your napping photos and you’ve got lots of cute ones. Dachshunds can be very cute and inventive when it comes to napping (probably due, in part, to their inate burrowing skills) and you are especially talented and cute at napping. My husband was always amazed at Melanie’s favorite stretching and napping position – the “S-curve”- due to her very flexible Dachshund spine.
Thanks for sharing these photos.
My dachshund, Barbarella, doesn’t really have a favorite napping place; she just crashes wherever. Like if she’s hot, she just crashes/splats on the floor and if she wants to get warm and cozy, she gets under the blankets or in a good sunny spot. You are very cute and funny sleeping. I look forward to seeing more of your hilarious napping spots.
Mini (my mini dachshund) likes to sleep under (or on) a big pile of blankets. She also likes to nap on my lap, which is what she is doing right now as I am typing this.