5 Tips for Taking Better Pictures of Your Dog

It’s no secret that I love having my photo taken. It’s been years and years of practice to get these super model moves down pat!

Ammo the Dachshund Studio Photos

And while I’m pretty much a pro infront of the lens, I do have a mom who’s got a few tricks up her sleeve when it comes to capturing adorable shots of yours truly. So I thought it would be fun to pick her brain, and share some tips on how you can capture some great pictures like these of your own pets!

Photographer's Muse // Ammo the Dachshund

5 Tips for Taking Better Pictures of Your Dog:

1. Have Amazing Treats

Ammo the Dachshund - Pony Cookie - Howl Naturale

Until you find that amazing treat (or meat) that makes your dog do back flips, you’re not going to get them to be interested in your photo session. Good treats go a long way, and if your dog is willing to do anything to get them, then you might just get that shot you were looking for.

2. Get Down Low

Winter on the Farm // Ammo the Dachshund

Dogs aren’t that big (well unless maybe you have a great dane), so getting yourself on the floor and down to the dog’s level is going to give you a better picture every time.

3. Practice “Waiting”

Evel Knievel // Ammo the Dachshund's Halloween Costume

Teaching your dog commands such as “wait” (my term for stay put and don’t move) is only going to help you get that amazing picture. Using positive reinforcement and some yummy treats practice asking your dog to hold still for pictures.

4. Let Your Dog Be a Dog

Barkbox Review & Giveaway // Ammo the Dachshund

As fun as some of the posed shots are, it’s even more fun for your dog just to play and be themselves. Some of the best shots come from letting your dog do their own thing and being there to capture the moment (or the mess).

5. Prop Up Your Pet

Purple Possum Dachshund Scarf Review & Giveaway // Ammo the Dachshund

Have a squirmy dog that won’t sit still? Prop them up on something high (and safe) so they don’t have room to roam. This will keep you from chasing your dog all over trying to snag a photo.

A Day at the Beach // Ammo the Dachshund

And there you have it, 5 tips to grabbing shots of your pet like a pro! Above all else, make picture time fun for your dog and I’m sure you’ll get that photograph! There’s many more where that came from, if you liked my mom’s tips for photographing pets let me know in the comments below and perhaps I’ll share some more soon!Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

P.S. if you’re wondering what camera gear my mom uses to photograph me, be sure to check out my gear page!


  1. Thanks Ammo! And thanks from Scooter who sometimes actually looks at the camera 🙂

  2. It’s easy to get good pictures when you’ve got a “super model” as the subject. You little Diva, you!

    • Ammo

      When cookies are involved, who doesn’t?

  3. Thank you!!!!!! I do notice how a great photographer your Mom is!

  4. Roco

    Thank you so very much! Your Mom sure captures you well, Ammo, hot doggie boy!!!!

  5. Nice photo tips, Ammo! Don’t go all Evel Knievel on us, though, and leap over the Grand Canyon!

  6. Ammo, I have a dachshund also. I love taking her picture but she doesn’t like getting hers taken. I will to try some of these. Yes, please pick your mom’s brain for more tips.

  7. Tuff and his mommy Marnie

    Great tips Ammo! Please thank your mom from us?

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