Birthday Week: Ammo’s Year 6 Video

One of my favorite things about Birthday Week is having the chance to look back over my past year of life. As sad as my mom and dad are that I’m another year older, it’s always fun to reminice about all the amazing adventures I had over the past year. And boy did I have a lot of adventures!

Birthday Week: Happy 7th Birthday to Ammo

So just like last year, my mom helped me compile a video to highlight some of my favorite adventures from my 6th year! So if you’ve got 10 minutes, you’ll definitely want to watch this video filled of happy memories.

This concludes my week of Birthday Fun! I’ll just have to wait until next year to celebrate again. Incase you missed some of the excitement, here’s a recap:

Until next year friends! Happy Birthday to me! Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. I really enjoyed your birthday week Ammo! I’m looking forward to next year’s celebration.

  2. That was worth every minute of the 10! How fun to see your year in video review! Your hoomans are very clever! It also looks like they are great at home renovation! Happy Birthday week!

    • Ammo

      So glad you enjoyed it! I’m an expert “helper” when it comes to home renovation!

  3. Joanne B

    Ammo – The 10 min. video was wonderful! That first song brought tears to my eyes. It’s been an honor to share in all your adventures with you and I look forward to many more years of the same. I never thought it would be possible to love a dog so much that I never met. You have stolen my heart. XXX 000

    • Ammo

      Thanks so much for sharing in my adventures Joanne! I love being able to share a piece of my life with everyone. No matter where they live! Here’s to year 7!

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