Dog Hair Everywhere

When the new FURminator Comfort Edge DeShedding Tool arrived at my door a few weeks ago, I knew just who would be getting a major grooming, my buddy Trooper!

De-Shedding the Dogs with the Furminator

I have to admit, I’m a wee bit jealous of all of Trooper’s glorious hair (he claims he gets his good hair from his mom, the Australian Shepherd). I on the other hand am plagued with Dachshund pattern baldness (it’s a real thing, look it up!), and have to wear coats and sweaters all winter long to keep warm on the farm.

Winter on the Farm // Ammo the Dachshund

De-Shedding the Dogs with the Furminator

Thanks to our new FURminator mom collected enough Trooper hair to make me a sweater from it! Now who’s good with a loom?

You can check out more great grooming products for pets from FURminator!Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. JB

    Hay Ammo – Now I expect to see you in a sweater made from Trooper’s fur – lol! As creative as your mom is, I’m sure she could whip something up!

    • Ammo

      My mom uses ours on the ponies too! You can imagine the kind of sweater I could make with pony hair!!

  2. Pam B

    Hiya Ammo!!! When I was a little girl, I had a collie, so I can appreciate your friend Trooper’s hair situation. Yep, you got almost enough there for a new sweater. Just collect it and glue it on, hehe. Love you guys!!! Blessed be, hugs!!! Pam, Misty, and Rio

    • Ammo

      Haha….I can totally picture my hot glued together sweater now. I’d be the envy of the dog park!

  3. pattty

    I bought a Furminator years ago to groom my 2 Labs, it’s the best tool out there!

    • Ammo

      It’s definitely a lifesaver when you’ve got hairy dogs!

    • Hot glue and some scotch tape is about the only way I think my mom could manage that one! ?

  4. Elle

    I love your coat, Ammo! Where may I purchase one? 🙂

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