A Warm Broth Your Dog Will Love

Disclaimer: this post is brought to you by The Honest Kitchen and does contain affiliate links. All opinions are my own, and I only share products I think you and your dog will love.

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth - a warm treat for your dog

My friends over at The Honest Kitchen recently came out with a warm broth for dogs that’s just the thing to heat up your pup this winter season!

Their Bone Broth can be mixed with warm water to make a nourishing, and irresistibly mouthwatering drink, that’s got a few health-promoting properties, too. It’s like a warm treat for your pet with lots of added health benefits too.

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth - a warm treat for your dog

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth is also made with Turmeric. Turmeric has been studied for its antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties and is great for both dogs and cats.

One of my mom’s favorite pet nutrition bloggers, Rodney Habib, has some great information on how Turmeric can be beneficial to your pets. Not only will it help prevent your pet from getting cancer, but it will also aid in the following:

Treatment of epilepsy
Relieves allergies
Prevents the formation of cataracts
Treats depression
Kills parasites
Heals stomach ailments, aids in digestive disorders, and reduces gas and bloating
Fat metabolism and weight management
High in fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth - a warm treat for your dog

So I don’t know about you, but I’m all for helping to prevent Cancer (among other ailments), and if it tastes as good as The Honest Kitchen’s Bone Broth, then count me in!

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth - a warm treat for your dog

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth - a warm treat for your dog

You can combine 1 tablespoon of Bone Broth with 1 cup of warm water to serve to your pet as a healthy treat.

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth - a warm treat for your dog

Or you can do what my mom did and pour it onto your pet’s food at mealtime. Mom found that for the amount of food I eat, that half that amount seemed to work fine.

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth - a warm treat for your dog

Since I had some dry dog food I’m using up, it was great to pour on top to add a special treat to my meals. I’d never say no to warm broth on my food, especially as the weather starts to get chilly here.

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth - a warm treat for your dog

I’m looking forward to using it to re-hydrate my Honest Kitchen dehydrated raw food (Marvel) as well. It’s going to taste so yummy when I come in from playing in the snow this winter!

The Honest Kitchen Bone Broth - a warm treat for your dog

You can fetch your pet some Bone Broth this season from The Honest Kitchen. I noticed because it’s so popular that it’s currently out of stock, but you can pre-order some on Amazon and they’ll deliver it when it’s back in stock! #tryTHK

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