Dachshund Finds Way to Make Biggest Mess Ever

Over the weekend mom and dad decided to put together a new piece of furniture they purchased.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

Of course as you know, I’m never one to not help out when there is a project at hand. So while mom and dad were busy assembling furniture in the other room, I decided to help disassemble the empty boxes for them.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

Mom and dad had a good laugh when I was done “helping”, although I’m not sure why.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

And I still don’t understand why I was immediately plopped outside after my box destroying duties. Sometimes my skills just aren’t appreciated around here.

So make sure the next time you have a box destroying need you give me a shout! I’m happy to go where my expertise is appreciated! Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Tracy

    Oh Ammo! You are SUCH a big help. That was a big job to destroy that packaging. Ya done good! (as long as “I” didn’t have to clean it up. LOL

  2. Lu-Ann

    Oh Ammo, you are too cute! I hope you are not in the “dog house” for trying to help!

  3. Woof! Hello, Ammo, I’m Christmas, or Chris for short, and I am a 2 year old mini red smooth Dachshund like you! Thank you for sharing this! This has helped me become a better handyman, whether my owner likes it or not!

  4. Oh Ammo, this is too funny for words. I can see why you were put outside. When my dachshund destroys her stuffed toys she has fuzz stick all over her and that picture of you with the white bubbles all over you reminds me of her. I think God created dachshunds just to entertain their owners.

  5. Dona

    Hey Ammo, you did a fantastic job digging thru the white stuff. It was fun to see you digging and getting to the bottom. Bummer that it was solid and you weren’t able to dig more. But I bet you had fun.

  6. That was a good “find” Ammo. Looks like all kinds of free fun things to do. Your parents should be glad you saved them some money on toys!

  7. JB

    Thanks Ammo! That’s the best laugh I’ve had all day!

  8. Oh my goodness Ammo!!! You definitely have some skills, lol. You did a great job breaking down that box. You can come help me anytime. Have a great day, blessed be, hugs!!! Pam, Misty, and Rio

  9. Ammo, I have three that would love to help out also. So much so they helped themselves to their daddy’s salad.

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