February 2016 Monthly Recap

February has come and gone, and that just means we’re getting that much closer to Spring! Yay! But before we jump too far ahead, I always love looking back over the adventures from the past month.

First though, let me give a shoutout to my special sponsors & affiliates! Thanks to them I’m able to bring you exciting posts, so make sure you give them some love and check out what great products they carry!

Fall Barkbox Ad - Coupon CodeBarkbox is a monthly subscription service for your dog. Starting as low as $19 a month (shipping included) you can get a box of the finest treats and toys sent right to your front door every month! Choose from packages for small, medium, and large dogs and as a bonus 10% of their sales go to supporting rescue groups! You can check out just what goodies your dog could be getting every month by reading my reviews!

Use code AMMO for 10% off your Barkbox Subscription.

Fall Ruffwear Sidebar Ad

Ruffwear carries performance dog gear designed to enhance and inspire outdoor adventures for dogs and their human companions. Totally my kind of company that carries anything from dog hiking packs, harnesses, camping essentials and more! You can check out my review of their dog boots (that even work for dachshund’s too) as well as the Ruffwear Swamp Cooler to keep your pup cool in the summer and one of my favorites, the Ruffwear Front Range Harness!

Free Shipping on all orders over $75 at Ruffwear!

And now it’s time for my February adventures…

Big Reveal Pet Friendly Kitchen Renovation with Ammo the Dachshund's Help

I FINALLY shared the after pictures from my big kitchen remodel that started last summer.

Surprise! It's a Party! Ammo attends a Surprise Party

I attended a surprise Birthday Party, but spent the night hanging out with one guest only.

A Humane Bark Solution for Dogs + A Giveaway

I shared a humane anti-barking solution to help all those barking dogs out there.

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

I shared another collection of places I was enjoying sleeping during the month.

Valentines Day Greeting from the cutest Dachshund

I celebrated Valentine’s Day with a special gal pal.

Zuke's Z-Bones - Chews to Keep your Pet's Teeth Clean

I shared all the ways I like to keep my teeth squeaky clean during Pet Dental Health Month.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

I made the biggest mess ever (and it was so much fun!)

Growing Old Together // Best Dog Friends

I shared how I plan to grow old with my BFF Trooper.

Naught Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

I got caught on camera being “bad” again.

Let's Get Tricky! Teach Your Dog To Play Fetch

My mom used a few simple tools to teach me how to play fetch even better!

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

Trooper and I disagreed on how to be great farm lookouts.

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

I shared what I’m doing now that I have a home system to look out for all my security (Plus Bonus…you can enter my GIVEAWAY!)

And that brings us to March! I’m excited for what this month will bring, especially since the first day of Spring is oh so close! I can hardly wait.

What are you looking forward to most during the month of march?Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Dona

    Hey Ammo, you had a lot of good adventures (and photos!) in February and I really enjoyed reading about them. I’m looking forward to the flowers and trees blooming.

  2. JB

    Hey Ammo – My favorite of your February adventures was definitely when you made The Big Mess digging on the styrofoam! My second favorite post was when you got busted on camera getting frisky with your dad’s pillow hahaha!! Tell your mom next year you want to have an adventure where you wait for the groundhog to come out. Then again, that would spook him so he’d hide and you’d have 6 more weeks of winter. Considering the kind of winters you have, that might not be such a good idea. XXXOOO

    • Ammo

      Haha, yea I think the styrofoam was my favorite adventure too….I had way too much fun with that one!

      The groundhog post idea sounds fun….I’ll have to propose that to my blogging staff 😉

  3. We are looking forward to getting a package we ordered from chewy.com a few days ago; it’s scheduled to arrive today!

    • Ammo

      Chewy.com delivery days are the best kind of days! yay!

  4. Love the pics! I just found your blog so I’d have to go back and have a look at the february posts. I’d have to see the box shredding video as someone else mentioned 🙂

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