Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12

It’s time once again for my favorite post….my sleeping series! Because lets be honest, everyone loves a good nap! So here’s where I’ve been sleeping this past month….

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 12 with Ammo the Dachshund

So now the question is, which one of my napping spots is your favorite this month?

Check out where else I’ve been sleeping in my “Oh the Places You Sleep” series!Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity



  1. JB

    Well, that does it for me. I’m leaving work to go home and take a nap! Ammo – in a couple of those pix, it looks like you’re in a drawer. What’s the story on that? XXX000

  2. Ammo, I think the picture where you’re sitting up on top of the couch is the best.

  3. Dona

    Ammo, I love this series. Dachshunds are the cutest sleepers and I think you are a champion sleeper! My favorite is usually one where you are sleeping on someone (and I counted 3 in this post) but I instantly fell in love with the first picture, of you curled nose to tail!

  4. Pam B

    Oh Ammo, once again you’ve put a smile on my face and a sigh in my heart. You are just too adorable. I love them all, but think my fav is your rump in the air. I chuckled at that one. I have Rio asleep on my knees right now, and Misty is at my side. Such sweet sleeping pups. You keep right on finding those special places to nap and I’ll keep my lap open for my babies. Love and hugs!!! Pam, Misty, and Rio

  5. My favorite is number 8. Barbarella sometimes sleeps like that in my arms and I can’t help but to laugh!

  6. Woof! I can TOTALLY relate to some of these things, Ammo! You’re a great chum to have around! You’re an advocate to how TOTALLY EPIC AND AMAZING us Dachshunds are, and HOW EXPERIENCED WE ARE IN THE PROFESSION OF SLEEPING IN POSITIONS THAT DON’T LOOK COMFORTABLE BUT REALLY ARE COMFORTABLE! 🙂

    Your Dachshund friend,

  7. Elizabeth

    Love the black and white photo. That one beam of sunlight warming up a perfect latterly proportioned Ammo sized spot!

  8. You are doing what Doxies do best! Take a nap. You are a busy boy & you need your rest Ammo

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