Following Instinct

Following Instinct - Ammo the Dachshund finds a Groundhog Hole

Some dogs are born with it, some dogs aren’t. And I can’t help that I was cursed blessed with this amazing nose that can lead me to a groundhog hole deep in the woods, through thickets and brush, where no one else knows it exists.

Following Instinct - Ammo the Dachshund finds a Groundhog Hole

My poor pal Trooper doesn’t have this gift, sometimes I’m surprised he even knows which way is up. (love ya Troop!)

Without me the world would be full of unknown groundhog holes, unattended, and unwatched.

Following Instinct - Ammo the Dachshund finds a Groundhog Hole

And for some reason, I don’t think my special skills are very appreciated around here!

Following Instinct - Ammo the Dachshund finds a Groundhog Hole

Sigh. It’s an uphill battle for me every single day. The struggle is real my friends. #DachshundLifeStruggle

Does your dog like to follow their instinct?Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity




  1. Hiya Ammo!!! Yeppers, my Rio runs like the wind every chance he gets—straight to mischief. Opps, that’s not what you were referring to. I’m sure he’d find groundhog holes if I let him. Poor baby, he had to get a shot at the vet’s today. But he was a trooper (not your Trooper, hehe) and didn’t snarl, snap, or yelp even once. He’s very particular about treats you know. Wouldn’t even take the treat the vet tech gave him. It ended up in the trash (I know, you would have gladly accepted it, but you weren’t there). He’s asleep on my lap right now and I’ll make sure he gets treats before bedtime (Misty too). Hope you and family have a great weekend. Blessed be, love and hugs!!! Pam, Misty, and Rio

  2. Ammo you are a really special guy and your skills are amazing. My girl, Cayenne, always follow her instinct.

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