Bad Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag (Vol. 3)

Disclosure: This post and giveaway is brought to you by Vimtag. All opinions are my own, and I only share products I think you and your dog will love!

Naughty Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

Ever since this Wireless Video Monitor from Vimtag showed up at my house last year I’ve found myself “in the doghouse” on several occasions. And since you guys seem to love hearing about my “bad dog” antics, I’m back with another installment of my recent “caught on camera” moments!

A Wireless Camera to Monitor your Pet + A Giveaway

Now if you don’t remember, the Vimtag Wireless Monitor is a camera the connects to your homes Wifi and allows your parents to check up on you from anywhere they want via their smart phone. Yeah, so you can see why I’ve gotten caught in a few “sticky” situations lately.

Recently they caught me red handed….

Naughty Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

When packages arrive at the house I don’t really care who they are addressed to, anything is fair game. I just assume even if it’s not meant for me I might find the contents inside useful anyway.

Naughty Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

Too lazy to wander into the kitchen to find my water bowl, I’m totally not above taking a drink out of the convenient fountain in the bathroom. After all, it is closer to my giant dog bed in the master bedroom!

I couldn’t really deny any of these naughty acts when mom came home with time stamped images from the Vimtag App as proof…

Naughty Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

Naughty Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

Read all about my adventures with Vimtag, and the array of uses my mom has found for this wireless video monitor. You can snag your own Vimtag Wireless Video Monitoring Camera from Amazon to catch your own naughty dog in the act! (and I am not responsible for any dogs that get in trouble!) Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

P.S. While it’s not to say that I’m always a perfect angel, these “caught on camera” scenes are dramatizations all in the name of good fun! (Although I won’t say I’ve never been caught doing something I shouldn’t!)


    • Ammo

      I think it’s mandatory to be a trouble maker if you’re a dachshund!

  1. And this is the reason why the lid of the “magic water fountain” stays closed at all times when not in use lol.

  2. JB

    Ammo – you’re such a hoot! XXXOOO

  3. Hi Ammo! We just wanted to pop by and congratulate you on your Nose to Nose Award Nominations! Wishing you the best of luck!
    Meows from the Glogirly Cats, Katie & Waffles

    • Ammo

      Thanks guys! I’m honored to be a finalist among such amazing bloggers like yourself! Congrats on your nominations too!

  4. Ammo, you are a scream. I love your blog whether it’s bad dog or something nice you’ve done. Also brings a smile to my face. I have a dachshund and she gets in trouble too. It’s in your blood.

  5. Thing is, peeps need to learn that what’s theirs is yours and what’s yours is still yours so I’m really not seeing why going into packages could be considered naughty. But the toilet thing? That IS kinda icky, for sure. Purrs, Seville

  6. Doggies should know Rue LaLa doesn’t sell dog treats… you are nosy Ammo, but we love you anyway!

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