Taste of Adventure

Taste of Adventure

Sometimes I get a taste of adventure and it’s pretty much all I need to send me into a full blown meltdown when mom won’t let me off the leash to investigate further.


In this case that “taste” consisted of me physically biting a wild animal in the woods. What can I say, I like to live life on the edge! Adventure Awaits my friends!

Does your dog take hunting as seriously as I do? Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Ammo, you are too much. I hope the wild animal was not harmed but I also hope you weren’t bitten. My dachshund would do the same thing. it’s a doxie thing.

    • Your Izzy looks like my Mini! They both have white on their chins. So cute!:D

  2. Buddy can relate, Ammo. He enjoys the thrill of the hunt; but his mom is fearful of what would happen if he was free to pursue wild critters. We just love our doxies too much to take that risk!

  3. JB

    Hey Ammo – you’re SQUEAKING! So, what did you bite – lion, tiger, or bear? oh my!

  4. Roco

    I am more of a guard dog than a hunting dog. I am not sure what I would do with a snake! I have chased rabbits, though!

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