A DIY Solution for Sharing the Bed Comfortably with Your Dog

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 6 with Ammo the Dachshund

I’m very lucky in that ever since I can remember mom and dad have allowed me to share their big dog bed with them. Everyone has always slept soundly at night with all of us together (some of us snoring louder than others), but still relatively peacefully.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Then suddenly things changed when I found out we had a 4th family member sharing the big dog bed too (my new little sister), and mom decided she could no longer sleep with me digging my paws into her ribs at night.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Thats when this funny looking pillow called a Snoogle* showed up in our bed. Mom said it was supposed to help her sleep, but after about a week I had commandeered the Snoogle all to myself!

*affiliate link

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

With a combination of pillows, rolled up blankets and the Snoogle I was now corralled into the center of the bed so that everyone could sleep soundly at night again. That is until Mom decided she wanted her pillow back!

So instead of relegating me to the couch at night (I’m much too important to sleep on the couch!), Mom came up with a DIY Solution so that we could all sleep comfortably again.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Mom made me this super cool bumper type pillow to keep me in the center of the bed at night (and from kicking everyone) so that she could take her pillow back. So far it’s been great, and I’m even enjoying having some of my own space at night too!

Since I’m sure there are a lot of dog’s out there that share the giant dog bed with their humans I thought I would share just how my mom made it:

A DIY Solution for Sharing the Bed with Your Dog!

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

What you need:

  • Fabric (We bought 3 yards of sweatpant type material which was plenty enough to make the bumper pictured – but since you could make this in any size you want you might have to adjust how much material you buy)
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Stuffing (we used some old pillows we had laying around the house)
  • Sewing Machine & Tread

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Step 1: Cut your fabric into 12 inch x 8.5 foot strips. This makes the size pillow you see me pictured with, and if your fabric is not long enough for 8 feet you can cut more than one strip and attach them together (which is what we did). My pillow turned out to be a pretty good size, but mom said if she made it again she might make the thickness a little bigger. Also, you can certainly adjust this size for different sized dogs, bigger sides and longer for big dogs, and maybe a shorter length for smaller dogs.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Step 2: Fold your strips of fabric length wise in half with the inside facing out and stitch along the long side to create a “tube” of fabric.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Step 3: Cut two circles out of your fabric 6 inches in diameter. Again this size can be adjusted depending on how big you plan to make your pillow.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Step 4: Cut a slit in the center of each of the circles for your ribbon to slip though and then attach with the sewing machine.

Step 5: Sew one of the circles onto the end of the fabric tube you created. Make sure if it’s still inside out that you sew the correct side onto the end.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Step 6: Flip your tube of fabric right side out and start to fill with stuffing. Since this pillow is over 8 feet long we found it helpful to use a broom handle to push the stuffing down the the bottom of the fabric so that it was tight and compact.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Now suddenly from my perspective you have a new snake buddy! But we’re not done…

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Step 7: Now attach the other circle you cut to the end of your tube. Likely you will have to hand-stitch some of this to close it off completely.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

Ta-da! You now have a pillow that can be used to corral your dog anywhere you like. The ties at the bottom are super helpful in keeping the pillow together (so I don’t kick my way out at night).

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

And as a bonus it can also be used to tie up the sides to make the walls of the pillow higher if need be.

A DIY Solution for Sleeping Comfortably with your Dog

I’ve really been enjoying my new “bed nest” and it’s definitely helped give my entire family a great nights sleep. In fact I’ve gotten so used to sleeping in it that when I had to sleepover at the farm the other night without it that I picked a spot at the end of the bed and curled up out of the way of everyone for the duration of the entire night. I guess I’ve just gotten so used to sleeping more independently that it’s what was most comfortable!

Does your dog share the bed with you at night? Do you think you’d co-sleep better with one of these pillows?Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Wow Ammo, smart mom!!! That’s one great looking sleep pillow. Yep, my babies sleep with me too, and Misty is a cuddler and she kicks too. I have a body pillow that I sleep with and she likes to sleep under it, right next to my tummy. Not sure if I’d be able to persuade her to change her ways or not, but it’d be worth a shot. Rio, he’s always been an independent thing, in sleeping too. He curls up under the blanket at the foot of the bed. So no problems there. Thanks for the great idea. Hope you’re having a wonderful week. Love and hugs!!! Pam, Misty, and Rio

    • Ammo

      My mom was surprised with how well I did not “next to a body”. I think I just really wanted something with firm sides to lean against. So this pillow worked fine for me.

  2. JB

    Ammo – Your mom is so creative! Enjoy your new bed.XXX000

    • Ammo

      Thanks! I’m looking forward to my next slumber!

  3. Lynda/"Cocoa"

    Your mom needs to TM this and make them to sell. I would love to have one! My mom however doesn’t sew!! 🙂

    • Ammo

      Haha. You could maybe use a dog bed with puffy round sides? It just wouldn’t be as customizable in its shape.

  4. Hey Ammo, be sure and tell you mom she is brilliant for designing and making this. Just a thought, if there were one a little smaller, it would be perfect to corral your baby sister (when she gets here) so she won’t roll off the big dog bed.

    • Haha. Mom says her sewing skills are only good for “our eyes only”, but I’m sure you could make the same thing with a hot glue gun too! Or perhaps try buying a small dog bed with big rounded sides.

    • Ammo the Dachshund Iol that’s how I feel when I sew things. I actually have a small round dog bed, ill have to try that.

  5. Tracy

    Is your new baby sister HERE already? Did I miss the big event? BTW, nice pillow!

  6. After Abbi rolled out of bed one night I saw an ad for a baby cosleeper and got an idea. I put a baby bed with the rail down right up against my bed. I also had to put a bolster pillow in to fill a small gap between the 2 beds. I wasn’t sure Abbi would like it but after she slept there the first night, she was in love. I couldn’t get her to even cuddle. She loved having her own space yet being right beside me.

  7. After Kona’s little human brother was born- he quickly commandeered the boppy!

  8. My Bailey has a dog bed in my bed (with stuffed edges) but she’s like a slinky… Her head pokes out, then her long neck, then her front paws…. She “slithers” her way beck beside her momma without me knowing.

  9. Not long ago we had five doxies in our king bed…Miss them now that there are only three furr kidds…

  10. My mommy has a little doggy bed in her bed and I even have my own covers!
    Oh and also i feel the need to snuggle so I sneak under her blankets every morning at 6am

  11. Ammo, that double-up roll is pretty cool. Thanks for the tip and instructions.
    Thinking an old pair of sweat/yoga pants might work, too. I’ve seen posted a full bed made from an old sweatshirt.
    I know how you pups love the scent that lingers in the fabric even after washing…

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