Party for a Horse

Throwing a party for a horse

What’s better than watermelon on a hot summer day? I’ll tell you what….

Throwing a party for a horse

…a party for a horse! Not just any horse, but my pal Willis! See way back last year he got a pretty bad leg injury in the pasture (here we are watching a time-lapse video of his serious wound, and don’t worry, I spared you the close-up details). Since he’s about to turn 30 years old this year….and finally over his injury, we decided to throw a party to celebrate!

Throwing a party for a horse

Everyone on the farm pitched in to help Willis heal, myself included. I was entertainment for him when he was stuck inside for months, and I helped keep him company on his daily walks.

Throwing a party for a horse

After some food and reminiscing about how far Willis has come, we all headed out to the barn to see the big guy himself.

Throwing a party for a horse

Willis’ owner, and even the vet who helped save him along with everyone else at the farm came out to celebrate.

Throwing a party for a horse

Willis got a big “carrot cake” and lots of love since we’re all so happy to see him recovered.

Throwing a party for a horse

Even Minnow was excited for the party, although he may have been a bit jealous he didn’t get a carrot cake too.

Throwing a party for a horse

Finally time to relax, since Mr. Willis is going to be just fine now. You hear that Willis? No more injuries, because this dog can’t take another one!

Do you throw your animals parties to celebrate anything?Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Just earlier this month we celebrated having our dachshunds with us at our ranch for two years. Yesterday was also Mini’s birthday and we had a party with turkey cake and presents! It sounds like Willis had an awesome party just like Mini did! 🙂

  2. JB

    Ammo – you are such a Party Animal! XXX000

  3. Erika Westphal

    Ammo you cute doxie you are horseying around!

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