Toy Troubles

A few weeks ago mom picked me out a new toy basket*.

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Dog Toy Troubles

Once I got over the initial confusion on it’s intended use (I mean it “could” double as a dog bed don’t you think)….it was time to test out it’s real function in holding my toys.

This is going to be a much bigger adjustment than I thought. Perhaps some new toys for my basket with help me with this big change… *wink*

Have you ever caught your dog on camera doing something goofy like me?Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Donna

    Oh you silly boy you. But I do think new toys are a good idea.

  2. Oh my Ammo, you are a delight to behold!!! Mr. Rio came with a rather large basket of toys when I got him. He likes to turn it on its side to root through all the toys to find just the one he wants at that moment. Sometimes all I see is a wagging tail 😮 !!! And yes, I think some new toys are definitely the way to go. Have a great week, love and hugs!!! Pam, Misty, and Rio

  3. JB

    Hey Ammo, You are such a goof! I can see mistaking the new toy box for a bed, but sticking your nose through the handle to reach your toys is just too much! Thanks for the Monday Laugh!! I love you, Ammo!

  4. Dona

    Ammo, that is the funniest video! I loved the nose thru the handle and the doxie determination to go with it! But then when you tried to get your whole head thru the hole I just burst out laughing! Truly, there is no one else quite like you … and we love you for it!

  5. Ammo, Having owned a Dachshund most of my life, I can see why you are confused. I also can see Devin doing the same thing you did. I think it is a design flaw in the “basket” but is perfect for a bed! <3 <3

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