Tail Wagging Fun

Happy! Ammo the Dachshund

I’ve always been the type of dog that knows how to have fun. I can make a bad day into a good day with the flick of my tail and a toothy grin.

Tail Wagging Fun - Happiest Dog Ever

And sometimes it’s just an average day lounging on the couch, and you just can’t help but wag your tail and smile. It’s infectious…

So whether you’re having a bad day or not, just remember, keep that tail wagging and everything will be ok.

Does your dog make everything better when you’re having a bad day?Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Dona

    Oh Ammo, what a great video! Pictures of you always make me smile but that tail-wagging video not only made my day, and my weekend too!

  2. It’s a doggy super power and dachshunds do it best! At least that’s been my experience 🙂

  3. Hiya Ammo!!! You are so adorable, as always. And yes, my babies keep me going, many days. Hope you and the family have a SUPER weekend. Stay cool! Love and hugs!!! Pam, Misty, and Rio

  4. JB

    No matter how frazzled I am, it all gets better as soon as I get home and am greeted by my wiggling, smiling little red girl. Have a great weekend Ammo! XXX OOO

  5. Mary Brandenburg

    Nothing is better than my doxie’s tail wagging waiting to see me when I get home from school. Parents can make a good day with students go bad. Thanks for being on fb. I love reading all about you!

  6. Lu-Ann

    You are too cute! I just want to squeeze you!

  7. Rebecca

    Sometimes I wish my pup had a tail instead of just a little nub (that does wag when she is happy, but the “wag” is rare. It’s like she has to invest too much to wag it sometimes)

  8. Barbarella makes me happy everyday, even when I’m having a bad day. She always comes to greet me with a wagging tail and sometimes even a funny smile 🙂

  9. Donna

    Thanks Ammo. I needed a smile today. I lost my jod today. So between my dachshund’s kisses when I got home and your tail wagging it’s been a little brighter.

  10. That is great advice Ammo! Yep, Dakota makes me smile even if I don’t want to!

  11. Ammon, you make me smile just watching you! I think my sweet cat might have some competition!

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