Adventures in Petco

Adventures in Petco

Back in September I went on a very important adventure with my sister that I forgot to share. How could I forget? We went to Petco!

Adventures in Petco

It’s arguably one of the most important trips in a young baby’s life. I mean how else is she going to know where to shop for me?

Adventures in Petco

While I was there I even got to pick out a FREE pound of cookies thanks to the Birthday club. I never say no to cookies. And lucky for me my sister doesn’t eat cookies, so I didn’t even have to share.

Adventures in Petco

Now sister, we are going to go through every square inch of this store while I explain to you which are the best treats & toys. It’s going to take a while, but be oh-so-worth it for your education. You can thank me when you’re older.

What do you think my sister will get me for Christmas?

P.S. If you’re wondering more about the food I’ve picked up at the store, read all about my favorite toys, treats, food & more on my gear page.Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Dona

    You and Pyper are so lucky to have each other. Did you know that babies with a close older sibling often meet (or exceed) milestones (such as crawling, standing) possibly because the close sibling provides a good example. And trying to keep up with said sibling can be another incentive. You are teaching her so much! Good job Ammo!

  2. JB

    Looks like FUN Ammo! Glad to see you’re training your sidekick so well. XXX OOO

  3. You know the saying Ammo that if you teach a child the way she should go in her old age she will not depart from it. You are such a good teacher Ammo. Hopefully between you and her human parents she will learn the ways of the world.

  4. Mr Lenny

    Ammo…you are on the job in the jump seat pic…make sure no one gets in the way of you watching over pyper…:)

  5. Ammo, you and Pyper are so blessed to have each other and to have such loving parents too. I can’t wait to see more photos of you and your sister growing up!

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