Dog Toy or Baby Toy

Dog Toy or Baby Toy

Ever since Baby P showed up at my house the toy situation has gotten a little confusing. As in, how am I supposed to tell the difference between a baby toy and dog toy? That’s where you come in!

Dog Toy or Baby Toy

Can you help me decipher which one of these fine toys are dog toys and which are baby toys?

I loose sleep over this. Did I chew on Baby P’s favorite stuffed animal or did I bury the correct ball in the back yard? It’s enough to make you crazy!

Once you’ve made your guesses scroll on down to the bottom of the page to see if you got it right…..


























Dog Toy or Baby Toy

If you guessed these toys were dog toys, then you are right!

Dog Toy or Baby Toy

And if you guessed these toys were baby toys, then you are right!

Dog Toy or Baby Toy

I blame mostly the Barkshop*, because their toys are so super amazing that Baby P. wants to play with them too! (Use code AMMO for a super cool surprise at checkout)

  1. Baby Toy (hedgehog* is from Amazon)
  2. Baby Toy (lady bug* is from Amazon)
  3. Dog Toy (Brownie the Happy Poo*)
  4. Dog Toy (from HomeGoods)
  5. Baby Toy (sensory balls* from Amazon)
  6. Dog Toy (Barkbook* Toy)
  7. Dog Toy (Airplane*)
  8. Baby Toy (Polar Bear* toy from Amazon)

*affiliate links

Does your dog have any toys that could totally pass for baby toys? Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Ammo, I am surprised that you are not adhering to the Dachshund Rules of Ownership. You know the ones that say if a dachshund has a toy, it belongs to the dachshund; if a dachshund sees a toy it belongs to the dachshund, if a dachshund is thinking about a toy it belongs to the dachshund, if a toy is broken beyond repair or lost, it belongs to the human. At least those were the toy rules in our house (extra credit points if you can correctly guess who came up with the rules – LOL!!!)

  2. JB

    An interactive Ammo email – what fun! I did poorly on my guesses lol. I LOVE the # 1 toy. It looks like a multi-colored hedgehog. Can you tell me where it came from? would love to buy one! Thanks! XXX OOO

    • Ammo

      You can find the hedgehog on Amazon. (*affiliate link) It’s one of my sister & mine’s favorites!

      • JB

        Thanks, Ammo!! You’re the BEST! XXX OOO

  3. I almost got it!! I thought #6 was a squeaky baby book toy! I’m sure you and Baby P will hash things out nicely and probably even share each other’s toys ❤️❤️

  4. I understand your delema. I have 5 doxies and I sometimes buy baby toys for them at yard sales for a fraction of what you pay in a store. Then I wash them and they are like new for my crew. Am going to have to be more careful in the future as I get a new great grandbaby in Feb, and things will then be different. Otherwise, I agree with Cindy below! HA-

  5. Pam B

    HaHa Ammo!!! I did so bad, just got one right, lolol. You and Pyper just keep on sharing, that’s a good lesson to teach her. Have a happy day. Hugs!!! Pam, Misty, and Rio

  6. Ammo I think your mom should put a big “A” on your toys and a “P” on baby P’s……no more confusion xoxoxoxox love you Ammo

  7. Jess: You’re right, it is hard to tell! I only guessed that #1 & #2 were baby toys! I almost included the dachshund with a sweater on as a baby toy but after looking at it closely, I saw it’s texture was that of a dog toy. Thanks for the fun game!

    Mini: We once had a radish toy (still do, if you count gutted toys). It was soft and had crinkly leaves. I bet it could have passed for a baby toy 🙂

  8. Got the orange ball and poo pile wrong :/ dog toys are so good nowadays, hard to tell them apart!

  9. I was confused too Ammo. They look similar and I have bought baby toys for my fur babies before.

  10. 4,5,6,7 are dog toys… but dachshund rule #2, if I take it, It’s mine!

  11. Ammo you are such a good big brother to your little sister. Baby P is getting so big! Such a cutie ❤❤

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