Hop Along

Hop Along - Easter Recap

Ok, so I know the last time I mentioned the Easter Bunny I gave him a really hard time for sneaking into my house at night and leaving chocolate goodies I couldn’t even eat. Not to mention I wasn’t even allowed to bite him or bark at him!

But I guess Mr. Easter Bunny heard me loud and clear, because he really tried to win me over this year.

Hop Along - Easter Recap

Not only did he bring my sister a whole bunch of fun toys (non-chocolate I might add), that I may or may not have opened for her…

Hop Along - Easter Recap

…but he also brought me some fun toys too. He has good taste too, because he shops at my favorite store, The Barkshop*.

*affiliate link

Hop Along - Easter Recap

So yeah, that Bunny, I guess he’s not so bad.

Hop Along - Easter Recap

I was actually a little disappointed once my basket was empty. But when one door closes, another opens.

Hop Along - Easter Recap

And that door brought my Nannie & Opa (and my MomMom, PopPop, cousins, aunts and uncles too!), who also brought me presents!!

Hop Along - Easter Recap

I’m one lucky dog!

Hop Along - Easter Recap

My Easter fun didn’t end there though, it was time for the annual egg hunt, and since this year was my sister’s first time I had to teach her how it was done.

Hop Along - Easter Recap

She actually didn’t do too poorly, but it’s probably because she had a pretty awesome teacher.

Hop Along - Easter Recap

Well, that about sums up my Easter, and as you can see Baby P and I are now totally on team Easter Bunny!

Hop Along - Easter Recap

But, just FYI Bunny, Baby P and I won’t hesitate to use stink faces on you should you bring us icky presents next year. 😉

Hop Along - Easter Recap

The End. Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

P.S. For once I’m not the one that can’t sit still for a photograph.


  1. from the looks of the pictures it looks like you and Baby P scored!!!!! I am glad you finally made at least a temporary truce with the Easter Bunny.

  2. Ammo you and baby P are so lucky and look her ears so cute…love you and the Easter bunny was real hit..<3

  3. Jans

    Yikes Ammo! Baby P is getting away!
    Your gonna have lots of fun chaseing her
    Around since she is mobile.
    I love yours and Baby P’s outfits. So cute.
    You face when you have the brown thing in your
    mouth. Its funny but showin those peraly whites.
    Looks like you guys had lits of fun and got
    plenty of goodies.
    You are really one pawsome brother.

  4. JB

    So much cuteness! Where to begin?! Everything about this post is awesome – outfits, photos, text, etc. See Ammo, I told you the Easter Bunny would bring you some goodies.XXX OOO

  5. Jill Ebding

    This is the cutest thing ever!! Thanks for sharing! You’re an awesome Big Brother and you and P are just beginning your adventures together!!

  6. Donna B

    What a great Easter you two had. And I guess the Easter bunny didn’t hold it against you for your rant.

  7. Hey Ammo, I think you and Baby P might need to switch bunny outfits; she is wearing the blue and you the pink! Y’all still look very cute in them though. We had a wonderful Easter and it looks like you did too!

  8. I am so happy you had a better Easter this year. You are such a good brother for helping Baby P hunt eggs. I love the outfits too!

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