Adventures of Ammo + Baby P: Vol 10

Adventures of Ammo & Baby P: Vol 10

It’s happened again. My little sidekick turned a whole month older! And a whole lot has changed in just one month.

Adventures of Ammo & Baby P: Vol 10

Baby P suddenly doesn’t seem so “baby” anymore. She now waves hello and goodbye to me, can give me high-fives, and even claps when I do something extra goofy. (which is like all the time apparently).

Adventures of Ammo & Baby P: Vol 10

But the biggest change….Baby P is now WALKING! Yes, that’s right. Just a few days shy of turning 10 months she got those first few steps in. And can you guess what she was walking to? That’s right, me! (I’ll have to share the video later….although my camera crew missed the very first ones…shame on them!)

Adventures of Ammo & Baby P: Vol 10

Baby P’s favorite thing though….if you haven’t already guessed….dogs! She loves to “bark” woof woof excitedly whenever she sees a dog (or me), or even a picture of a dog. We should have expected nothing less, because I’m the coolest dog there is and it’s no wonder she thinks she’s a dog too!

Adventures of Ammo & Baby P: Vol 10

Now that she’s getting increasingly mobile I definitely have to watch my back…

Adventures of Ammo & Baby P: Vol 10

..because her big bear hugs….

Adventures of Ammo & Baby P: Vol 10

….and kisses seem to come out of nowhere!

Not to worry though, mom and dad are always right there yelling “gentle” the entire time. Hopefully soon she will get the hang of “closed mouth kisses” and “pinch-less hugs” so I won’t have to be on guard so much. At least I know she means well!

Adventures of Ammo & Baby P: Vol 10

I have a feeling by next month I’ll have my backyard running playmate that I’ve been waiting for! I can’t wait!

So for everyone that wagered a guess last month as to when Baby P would start walking, it was June 5th!Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Oh my this is the most precious post yet! They just keep getting better! Ammo you are the best big brother to Baby P!!

  2. that is the sweetest ever..Baby P lovvvvves her some Ammo on her 10th month birthday…<3

  3. just checked out the blog how adorable…and walking at 10 months , she’s a real trooper for her age…love it <3

  4. Happy 10 months Baby P!!!!! Ammo you have all kinds of new adventures in store now that she’s walking!! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Tuff and his mommy Marnie

    Baby P is starting to look like Mom!

  6. JB

    Ammo – you and Baby P are just too cute! You’re going to have a blast running around together.XXX OOO

  7. Donna B

    Oh Ammo, baby P is walking just in time for summer. You can chase each other and you can show her all your ground hog holes. Think of all the fun that awaits!!!

  8. Ammo, is your sister tall? I agree that all of a sudden, she doesn’t look much like a baby any more.

  9. Tracy Molitor

    Awww, Ammo, so nice to have a best friend eh? Your sister is a camera hound just like you Ammo. Such adventures you 2 shall have this summer.

  10. Ammo,
    I bet U r Baby P’s best bud and she may be
    i counting on U for many skills, not to mention, orchestrating future adventures. U and Baby P r adorable not to mention hip!

  11. wow shes growing so fast, but lots more adventures for you all to have Ammo, 🙂 xx

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