First Steps

You are my Sunshine

This first year of my sister’s life has been filled with many firsts (holy cow can you believe she’ll be a year old very very soon), and just like any good brother I’ve been there for most of them. I was there when she laughed for the first time while watching me shred up paper and when she crawled for the first time towards me – so it’s only natural that when she finally took her first steps they would be in my direction!

At 9 months and 28 days Baby P took her first steps across the room to bring me a pair of her cowgirl boots. While no one was able to capture these initial first steps on camera, they did get the next few after that!

In just a few weeks she’s already cruising all around the house now – and I’m the one that can’t keep up with her!

I can’t wait to see what she learns next. Perhaps it will be how to get the cookies out of the cookie jar for me.Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity





  1. Tuff and his mommy Marnie

    That’s amazing and so exciting Ammo! You must be very proud of your little sister❤️

  2. JB

    Hooray! Baby P’s first steps! Ammo, you have handled all these changes so well. You are such a great big brother! Thanks for sharing. XXXOOO

  3. Cookies out of the cookie jar would be a good trick. I bet she learns to do that one day.

  4. Pam B

    Hiya Ammo!!! Oh my she is getting to be a big girl so fast. You’ll just have to pump those little legs of yours a bit harder to keep up now, ha. And as for those cookies, you may have to wait just a LITTLE bit longer for them. But I’m sure you’ll get them sooner or later. Have a great day. Love and hugs!!! Pam, Misty, and Rio

  5. Baby P just makes me smile everytime you post about her Ammo! Lots of adventures ahead now that she is walking!!

  6. Jana

    And why would she choose anything else to walk
    toward, your her best pal.

  7. But of course, she would only make her milestones while u were on site-u r showing her the way.

    Ah, maybe Mom and Dad are helping too. Adventure awaits!

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