February 2016 Monthly Recap

February has come and gone, and that just means we’re getting that much closer to Spring! Yay! But before we jump too far ahead, I always love looking back over the adventures from the past month.

First though, let me give a shoutout to my special sponsors & affiliates! Thanks to them I’m able to bring you exciting posts, so make sure you give them some love and check out what great products they carry!

Fall Barkbox Ad - Coupon CodeBarkbox is a monthly subscription service for your dog. Starting as low as $19 a month (shipping included) you can get a box of the finest treats and toys sent right to your front door every month! Choose from packages for small, medium, and large dogs and as a bonus 10% of their sales go to supporting rescue groups! You can check out just what goodies your dog could be getting every month by reading my reviews!

Use code AMMO for 10% off your Barkbox Subscription.

Fall Ruffwear Sidebar Ad

Ruffwear carries performance dog gear designed to enhance and inspire outdoor adventures for dogs and their human companions. Totally my kind of company that carries anything from dog hiking packs, harnesses, camping essentials and more! You can check out my review of their dog boots (that even work for dachshund’s too) as well as the Ruffwear Swamp Cooler to keep your pup cool in the summer and one of my favorites, the Ruffwear Front Range Harness!

Free Shipping on all orders over $75 at Ruffwear!

And now it’s time for my February adventures…

Big Reveal Pet Friendly Kitchen Renovation with Ammo the Dachshund's Help

I FINALLY shared the after pictures from my big kitchen remodel that started last summer.

Surprise! It's a Party! Ammo attends a Surprise Party

I attended a surprise Birthday Party, but spent the night hanging out with one guest only.

A Humane Bark Solution for Dogs + A Giveaway

I shared a humane anti-barking solution to help all those barking dogs out there.

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

I shared another collection of places I was enjoying sleeping during the month.

Valentines Day Greeting from the cutest Dachshund

I celebrated Valentine’s Day with a special gal pal.

Zuke's Z-Bones - Chews to Keep your Pet's Teeth Clean

I shared all the ways I like to keep my teeth squeaky clean during Pet Dental Health Month.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

I made the biggest mess ever (and it was so much fun!)

Growing Old Together // Best Dog Friends

I shared how I plan to grow old with my BFF Trooper.

Naught Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

I got caught on camera being “bad” again.

Let's Get Tricky! Teach Your Dog To Play Fetch

My mom used a few simple tools to teach me how to play fetch even better!

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

Trooper and I disagreed on how to be great farm lookouts.

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

I shared what I’m doing now that I have a home system to look out for all my security (Plus Bonus…you can enter my GIVEAWAY!)

And that brings us to March! I’m excited for what this month will bring, especially since the first day of Spring is oh so close! I can hardly wait.

What are you looking forward to most during the month of march?Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway

Disclaimer: This post and giveaway is brought to you by Kidde. All opinions are my own, and I only share products I think you and your pets will love.

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

As a dog, I’ve always taken home security very seriously. Parked on my perch, I spend my day defending my fortress from anything out of the ordinary. It’s an exhausting job, but apparently I’m the only one willing to do it!

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

Until I was introduced to Kidde RemoteLync that is! The RemoteLync Monitor and the RemoteLync Camera pictured above are my new friends in making sure my home is safe and secure.

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

The RemoteLync Monitor is a smart home device that will listen for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in your home and send an alert to your smart phone if a problem arises. (even I can’t do that!)

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

The RemoteLync Camera is a battery operated, cordless camera that alerts you via smartphone when motion is detected in your home.

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

Together with the free Kidde RemoteLync App, there really isn’t much left for me to do except…

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

…be a dog again! (AKA park myself on the couch and watch cartoons!)

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

See with the touch of a button mom and dad can arm and disarm my house via their phones so that the RemoteLync can start listening for any smoke alarms or carbon monoxide detectors that go off, and watch for any intruders that might enter my home. You can even set it to arm & disarm automatically when you come and go from your home via GPS.

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

Mom loves that she can even arm it when I’m left home alone, and feels safer knowing should there ever be a fire she’d be notified right away so I’m not in danger. The camera can even be set to ignore pet movements, so she’s only told if something out of the ordinary happens at home. (I guess I won’t be having any secret parties anytime soon).

Checkout these videos from Kidde on how the RemoteLync System works:

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde

Even at work I sleep a lot sounder knowing Kidde has my back and is keeping my home secure while I’m not there. Time to #LetYourDogBeADog again with Kidde!

Fetch your own RemoteLync System from Kidde!

Kidde wants you to share a photo of what your dog would do with its spare time and include the hashtag: #LetYourDogBeADog for a CHANCE TO WIN a RemoteLync Monitor and RemoteLync Camera and $200 toward a licensed doggy day care or doggy spa. Additionally, Kidde will donate $500 to the winner’s choice of these nonprofit organizations:  National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, which trains rescued dogs and partners them with firefighters to help in search missions, or The Emma Zen Foundation, which raises funds for pet oxygen masks and donates them to fire departments and other first responders.  Five runner-up winners will each receive one RemoteLync Monitor and Camera.

To enter the contest, use the hashtag #LetYourDogBeADog on Twitter, Instagram or Vine and follow the instructions sent in an auto-reply or visit www.letyourdogbeadog.com and fill out the online form. The contest runs through March 9, 2016.

Not only that, but you have an additional chance to win with our giveaway…

Home Security to Let Your Dog Be A Dog + A Giveaway with Kidde


Here’s HOW TO WIN:

No purchase necessary. To enter use the Rafflecopter widget below. You will be contacted via e-mail to claim your prize. All the winners will also be announced on this blog post once the giveaway ends. Open to USA readers only (Alaska, Hawaii & Puerto Rico too!). Winners must claim their prizes within 48 hours of being notified or prize will be forfeited. By entering you are agreeing to the terms & conditions set forth in the Rafflecopter widget (see below).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Never want to miss any of the adventures (or giveaways) on my blog? Make sure you sign-up for e-mail updates!  
Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

Farm Lookouts

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

As barn dogs, there is always a lot of tasks for Trooper and I to do. And to be honest, this farm just wouldn’t run properly without us.

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

Trooper is always on my case to help him be a lookout. “Lookout for low flying birds” “Lookout for cars pulling down the farm driveway” “Lookout for anything suspicious and out of the ordinary”

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

I on the other hand usually have my own ideas about what we should be actually looking out for.

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

What about “Lookout for the snakes that accidentally get baled in the hay”

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

Or “Lookout for yummy missed poop in the pony stalls”

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

“Lookout for people in boots who might mistakenly step on you”

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

And “Lookout for ponies who look cute, but are really thinking maybe they didn’t get enough to eat”.

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

So Trooper can keep a lookout for strangers who might want to brush our ponies (the horror), and whatever other boring stuff he comes up with….

Barn Dogs Get Busy on the Farm

…and I’ll continue to lookout for the important stuff. Because we all know that pony poop isn’t going anywhere except for my belly! Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

Lets Get Tricky: Teach Your Dog to Play Fetch

As many of you may know I’m a big fan of learning, and ever since I was a wee pup my mom has been taking me to classes and clicker training me just like my Trick Pony friends.

Since learning is a never ending adventure I’m always up to pick up a new skill, and lately mom has been helping me to perfect my fetching skills.

See I wasn’t born with those amazing retriever traits, and while I do enjoy chasing after a good toy, I’m not great about actually bring said toy back! (the video above is proof of that)

Let's Get Tricky! Teach Your Dog To Play Fetch

But that’s ok, armed with a few simple tools my mom helped me learn what it means to play a real game of fetch!

What You Need:

  • Yummy Treats (These came in my Barkbox* this month, but you can also snag them in the Barkshop* with code AMMO for a special surprise at checkout!)
  • A Fun Fetch Toy
  • Something to Target (I used a scrap of mat board from the frame shop, but anything flat and large will work)
  • Clicker (not pictured, but you can snag one off amazon*)

To teach this trick your dog needs a basic knowledge of clicker training. You can check out this website for a basic tutorial on clicker training, or grab yourself a beginner clicker training book*. And they should also have a basic knowledge of how to pick up an item with their mouth.

*affiliate links

How to Teach Your Dog to Fetch:

  1. At a close distance ask your dog to touch the target with their feet. Click and reward each time their feet touch the target. If your dog doesn’t already have a cue to “target” you may have to let them accidentally walk across the target so you can click and reward them each time their feet touch your mark. Practice this close to your dog, then move the target to different spots and areas further from you to strengthen your dog’s knowledge of this task.
  2. If your dog already has a basic knowledge of how to chase an item and pick it up then you can move onto step 3 once they have mastered targeting. Otherwise you should teach your dog to pick up an item with their mouth first.
  3. At a close distance to your target toss a toy for your dog to get. Once they pick it up with their mouth ask them to touch their target again. When they hit the target WITH the toy in their mouth, click and reward. Repeat this at a close distance until your dog has mastered the idea. Continue to repeat this until you can toss the toy further and further away.

Congratulations! Your dog is now great at playing fetch the proper way (by returning the toy to you!) Much more fun isn’t it? Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

Bad Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag (Vol.2) + A Giveaway

Disclosure: This post and giveaway is brought to you by Vimtag and does contain affiliate links. All opinions are my own, and I only share products I think you and your dog will love!

A Wireless Camera to Help Train your Dog + A Giveaway

You guys had so much fun seeing me “caught on camera” last month that I’m back with another installment! You may remember that the Vimtag Wireless Video Monitor System showed up at my house a month or so ago. Well, ever since it’s arrival I’ve found myself getting into a little more trouble than usual.

Since the Vimtag camera lets my parents check up on me 24/7 via their smartphones I pretty much can’t get away with anything anymore. And I was really hoping they wouldn’t find out about a few things…

Naught Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

Until the Vimtag camera came along mom and dad had no idea that I like to get a little “frisky” with a certain someone’s pillow when they are gone. (sorry dad, I thought you’d never see this!).

Naught Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

I mean, do you really blame me, magazines are way more fun to play with than dog toys!

It’s really hard to deny these little indiscretions when mom had physical proof in the form of timestamped pictures from Vimtag….

Naught Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

Naught Dog Caught on Camera with Vimtag + A Giveaway

Read all about my adventures with Vimtag, and the array of uses my mom has found for this wireless video monitor. You can snag your own Vimtag Wireless Video Monitoring Camera from Amazon to catch your own naughty dog in the act! (and I am not responsible for any dogs that get in trouble!)

And now for the best part…

A Wireless Camera to Monitor your Pet + A Giveaway


Here’s HOW TO WIN:

No purchase necessary. To enter use the Rafflecopter widget below. You will be contacted via e-mail to claim your prize. All the winners will also be announced on this blog post once the giveaway ends. Open to USA readers only. Winners must claim their prizes within 48 hours of being notified or prize will be forfeited. By entering you are agreeing to the terms & conditions set forth in the Rafflecopter widget (see below).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Never want to miss any of the adventures (or giveaways) on my blog? Make sure you sign-up for e-mail updates! 

P.S. While it’s not to say that I’m always a perfect angel, these “caught on camera” scenes are dramatizations all in the name of good fun! (Although I won’t say I’ve never been caught doing something I shouldn’t!)
Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


Growing Old Together

While I wouldn’t necessarily say that Trooper and I are old just yet, we have grown up together over the past 7 years. One of my fondest memories is spending my working days at the shop with my best buddy and wrestling on the shop floor..

Fast forward about 6 years and I’m happy to report that not much has changed….

Growing Old Together // Best Dog Friends

Growing Old Together // Best Dog Friends

Growing Old Together // Best Dog Friends

Something tells me we’ll never be too old to wrestle!

Does your dog still enjoy wrestling with their best doggy friend? Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

Dachshund Finds Way to Make Biggest Mess Ever

Over the weekend mom and dad decided to put together a new piece of furniture they purchased.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

Of course as you know, I’m never one to not help out when there is a project at hand. So while mom and dad were busy assembling furniture in the other room, I decided to help disassemble the empty boxes for them.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

Mom and dad had a good laugh when I was done “helping”, although I’m not sure why.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

And I still don’t understand why I was immediately plopped outside after my box destroying duties. Sometimes my skills just aren’t appreciated around here.

So make sure the next time you have a box destroying need you give me a shout! I’m happy to go where my expertise is appreciated! Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

February is National Pet Dental Care Month

Disclaimer: this post is brought to you by Chewy.com and does contain some affiliate links. All opinions are my own and I received a product in exchange for my honest review. I only share products that I think you and your dogs will love.

Since February is the month dedicated to dental care for pets I thought it would be fun to check out all the ways I’ve kept up with my oral health over the years. #NationalPetOralHealthCareMonth 

Emmi-Pet Dog Dental Toothbrush Review & Giveaway // Ammo the Dachshund

The Emmi-Pet is an electric dental tooth brush designed for pets that cleans teeth without the need of vibration. While I found this to be a great tool, I sort of fell off the wagon when it came to keeping up with brushing regularly (I know, shame on me). Fetch the Emmi-Pet Toothbrush.

Clean Teeth // Ammo the Dachshund

I tried the Tropiclean Teeth Gel for a time, it’s a great way to add some cleaning power to your dog’s teeth without the need to use a toothbrush. You can even spread it onto your dog’s chew toys. I did thoroughly enjoy this cleaning method, but again I wasn’t great about keeping up with a routine. Fetch the Tropiclean Teeth Gel.

How to Maintain your Dog's Teeth // Ammo the Dachshund // Pet Dental Health Month

Mom even used a pet dental scraper on me. This is a great way to remove plaque buildup, and something I still have done on occasion when my plaque buildup gets noticeable. Fetch a Pet Dental Scraper.

How to Maintain your Dog's Teeth // Ammo the Dachshund // Pet Dental Health Month

Dental Chews are another great way to fight plaque if your dog likes to chew on them. I tend to be really interested in them at first, but eventually loose interest in the toys after a few weeks. One of my favorite chew toys that I have remained in is the Benebone which encourages me to chew on a regular basis (and I use it almost every night). Fetch a Benebone Dental Chew.

Zuke's Z-Bones - Chews to Keep your Pet's Teeth Clean

Zuke's Z-Bones - Chews to Keep your Pet's Teeth Clean

My absolute favorite way to keep my teeth looking sparkly is with dental chews. Lately I’ve been snacking on these Zuke’s Z-Bones Dental Chews from Chewy.com. Seriously what’s better than cleaning your teeth by eating something delicious!

Key Benefits of Zuke’s Z-Bones in Clean Berry Crisp

  • Potato and pea-based formula which is highly digestible
  • Alfalfa, parsley, rosemary, and fennel naturally freshen breath by supporting digestion
  • Helps polish teeth, freshen breath, and maintain healthy gums
  • Nutrient-rich cherries are a powerful source of antioxidants
  • Available in four sizes to accommodate all dogs 10 lbs or larger
  • Made in the USA!

My mom’s favorite part about these chews is that not only do they help clean my teeth and freshen my breath, but they also contain Turmeric. You may have heard me mention this ingredient before, but it’s been studied for its antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties and can help prevent cancer in your pet. That’s a big plus in my book!

Zuke's Z-Bones - Chews to Keep your Pet's Teeth Clean

So while I’ll continue to do my best in keeping my teeth healthy and clean, I most certainly won’t give up my daily dental chews…..it’s my favorite part of the day!

Grab some Zuke’s Z-Bones from my friends at Chewy.com! #ChewyInfluencer

What is the dental regime for your pet? Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


Valentine’s Day Goes to the Dogs

Disclaimer: this post is brought to you by Martha Stewart Pets. All opinions are my own and I only share products I think you and your dog will love.

Valentines Day Greeting from the cutest Dachshund

So I hear that this weekend is Valentine’s Day. A day to spend time with those that you love, and show them that you care.

Valentines Day Greeting from the cutest Dachshund

So when I got wind that my old fling, Amira, was back in town I knew I was going to have to do something special on February 14th.

Valentines Day Greeting from the cutest Dachshund

So I popped over to Petsmart to snag Amira a gift from the Martha Stewart Pets line and set out to profess my love for her.

Valentines Day Greeting from the cutest Dachshund

Only Amira is a bit high maintenance…..

Valentines Day Greeting from the cutest Dachshund

….and she just rolled her eyes and said “You better bring me some more toys, because one is not enough for this lady.”

Valentines Day Greeting from the cutest Dachshund

Sorry Amira, no girlfriend is worth sharing all my Martha Stewart Pets toys…. you’ll just have to get your own!

Would your dog do the same? Happy Early Valentine’s Day everyone!Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11

Napping is an art form around here, and I’m never one to disappoint with a whole new collection of sleeping spots this month! Check out where I’ve been snoozing over the past few weeks…

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Oh The Places You Sleep: Vol. 11 with Ammo the Dachshund

Which spot would you be sleeping in if you were me?

Check out where else I’ve been sleeping in my “Oh the Places You Sleep” series!Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity