Guess what!? Mom got me my very own banner!
I’m so excited I could shout it from the rooftops!
I did what any dog with a totally awesome new banner would do, I had a photo shoot!
The “I’m so adorable you just want to squeeze me” Pose
The “My stunning good looks could kill you” Pose
The “Who me?” Pose
The “I’m kinda a big deal” Pose
The “Don’t worry, I’ll save you” Pose
The “My mama says just because I’m little doesn’t mean I can’t play too” Pose
I was pretty much feeling like the king of the World, but then I saw it….
The ponies got a new banner too……and it was like 4 times the size of mine.
The “What the heck, the ponies got a bigger banner than me” Pose!
Sigh. Talk about a total buzz kill.