Friday Fetch: Valentine Round-up

It’s almost Valentine’s Day! And that means you should be spending every single second scouring for the PERFECT gift for your 4-legged friends. And if you haven’t been, well shame on you, but not to worry – I did a little searching for you and come up with some great gifts for your special little furry Valentine!

Valentine’s Day Dog Cookies from Dogville Farms

valentines day tug toy

Valentine’s Day Tug Toy from Three Sassy Sisters

Cupid Dog Outfit

Cupid Dog Outfit from I Lick You

valentines day dog card

Valentine’s Day Dog Card from Cuore

My New Office

Being a Blogger (and facebook celebrity) pretty much means that I spend a lot of time locked in my office writing away. Only up until recently my blogging space wasn’t really up to my amazing design standards. So after some begging and pleading, and a few sad puppy faces, Mom and Dad agreed to give my office a makeover.

ammo the dachshund new office

Welcome to my new office, won’t you join me for the tour?

ammo the dachshund new office

ammo the dachshund new office

ammo the dachshund new office

ammo the dachshund new office

Fabulous right? The best parts are in the details, because it’s quite obvious that my personal style (and overall good looks) have taken over the space completely….

ammo the dachshund new office

A is for Ammo and everything that is awesome!

ammo the dachshund new office

My Reserve Champ ribbon from the Keystone Dachshund Races last year proudly hangs on my cork board along with my favorite photo of me and Minnow the Chincoteague Pony.

ammo the dachshund new office

Everything about my new office is happy and bright….just like me!

ammo the dachshund new office

ammo the dachshund new office

ammo the dachshund new office

ammo the dachshund new office

ammo the dachshund new office

At the end of the day, the most important thing is the function – and after taking it for a test spin, my new office passes the Ammo the Dachshund standards test.

ammo the dachshund new office

ammo the dachshund new office

ammo the dachshund new office

Suddenly I’m inspired to be way more creative – building more rocket packs, digging more holes, and painting more pictures.

ammo the dachshund new office

There’s adventures to be had right outside my window!

ammo the dachshund new office

Just as soon as I finish my afternoon nap!

Paint me a Picture

I’m having sort of a lazy day today. It’s raining outside and pretty much I don’t feel like doing anything. So in my rainy day boredom I decided to share some photos of my favorite pet artists – because whats better to get you motivated than an inspiring piece of art! And after all I am an art-loving pooch (I paint my own fantastic portraits, live with a bunch of painting ponies & work in a frame shop). So without further adieu, here’s some Thursday afternoon artistic inspiration for you….

michi design

Michi Design [via Dogmilk]

yellow brick home

Yellow Brick Home

sharon montrose

Sharon Montrose

andrew pinkham

Andrew Pinkham

aled lewis

Aled Lewis

painting pony

Painting Pony (I’m their biggest fan!)

So who are some of your favorite artists? Besides me of course! hehe.

ammo the dachshund painting

Monsters Under the Bed

ammo the dachshund

Oh hey, did you come to have a slumber party with me?

ammo the dachshund monsters under the bed

There’s plenty of room for everyone on my new bed.

ammo the dachshund monsters under the bed

But wait, did you hear that?

ammo the dachshund monsters under the bed

I should have known this would happen. Every time I try to have a slumber party the monster under my bed complains about not being invited.

ammo the dachshund monsters under the bed

Oh monster, you’re so gonna get it.

ammo the dachshund monsters under the bed

I hear you down there, and you’re not gonna like it if I have to come down there.

ammo the dachshund monsters under the bed

ammo the dachshund monsters under the bed

ammo the dachshund monsters under the bed

Sigh. Sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and invite the monster to your slumber party if you ever want to get any shut eye.

Behind the Scenes Photoshoot

It’s no surprise that I’m no stranger behind the camera lens. In fact, I’ve had mom’s camera shoved in my face since I was about 8 weeks old. Not that I’m one to complain much – usually when the camera comes out so do the cookies! So during my dapper doxie photoshoot the other day, mom filmed a little “behind the scenes” segment….mostly she was testing out the new video feature on her new camera, but regardless the motive – it caught some of the real action on camera.

Yes, I may have had a barking fit for more cookies at one point, but doesn’t every super model get at least one day to be a diva?

Pa Horse World Expo

minnow the painting pony

It’s no secret that my pal Minnow, The Painting Pony, will be attending the PA Horse World Expo at the end of February. This is one of the largest Horse Expos in the country and Minnow is going to be right smack dab in the middle of the expo floor to meet his fans and paint amazing pictures.

Not being one to be left behind often, I too will be making an appearance at the Expo this year. I’m going to try not to steal the show from Minnow, put my amazing super hero stunts and my stunning good looks cannot always be helped.

ammo the dachshund at the ludwigs corner horse show

So if you are in the Harrisburg, PA area February 23 – 26th be sure to come visit me at booth #607 & 608 at the Pa Horse World Expo. I’ll try to make sure I take my mid-day nap before you come!

ammo sleeping at fair

Messy Paws

Yesterday on the farm mom decided to bring the ponies’ paints out of storage for a little winter painting.

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

As you can see, they made quite the mess.

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

A mess that I somehow got suckered into cleaning up.

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

And my lovely assistant was absolutely no help at all!

ammo the dachshund and the painting pony

You can check out the paintings by my fabulous pony pals on their website.

Happy New Year!

Wow, I can’t believe it’s 2012 already! This year I decided to celebrate the incoming new year with a bang. And what better way to do that than with a PARTY!

happy new year from ammo the dachshund

I was the best dressed of course, but aren’t I always?

happy new year from ammo the dachshund

I’m excited you’re here to celebrate the new year with me, having friends like you makes blogging so much fun!

happy new year from ammo the dachshund

I can’t see into the future (despite my super cool specs) but I do think 2012 is going to be a great year!

happy new year from ammo the dachshund

I’m going to try even harder this year to make each and every one of you giggle with delight when you see my happy little face on the blog.

happy new year from ammo the dachshund

Happy New Year Friends!

2012 New Year Goals

Last year I made my list of New Year Goals, so I thought it would be fun to check back and see how far I got with them – and also come up with a few new ones for 2012!

ammo the dachshund new year party

P.S. this may look like my Birthday hat, but right now it’s doubling as my new years party hat!


1. Take another agility class or maybe even COMPETE in agility. Sadly since my last agility class at the Dog Training Club of Chester County I haven’t been able to attend any new classes. Not because I didn’t want to, but because the training center hasn’t been offering any new agility classes that fit my busy schedule, so mom’s been looking into finding a new place for me to test out my agility skills this year, like this place. But I did try my hand at an agility course while I was at the Dog Days of Summer Event and I even tested out some moves at the dog park this year.

Ammo jumping through hoop

2. Actually win a race at the Dachshund Races this year. I did even better than win just one race this year, I won 3! and I even qualified for the Championship race, bringing home a respectable reserve champ ribbon! Go me!

3. Make MORE artwork. This year I created and shipped all over the World nearly 20 original pieces of art. Not bad for my first full year of being a real life artist!

4. Visit some nursing homes. I made several trips this year to visit the nursing home – HERE, HERE, and HERE. I even made some undocumented trips too! It’s great when I can make someone’s day a little bit happier with my happy wagging tail.

ammo the dachshund nursing home

5. Perform more with the Trick Ponies. I added lots of new performances with the Trick Ponies to my calendar this year. I visited a school and made appearances at the Ludwigs Corner Horse Show and The Dog Days of Summer event to name a few.

6. Learn at least 10 new tricks. Ok well I might not have accomplished this “10 new tricks” goal, but I did add a few new ones to my repertoire. Which reminds me….I never shared them with you guys! So that will definitely have to be a future post.

7. Dress up more often. This one I have totally accomplished. I was a dressing up fool this year with my 12 days of Christmas, my rocket dog costume and even my Valentines Day outfit to name a few.

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

8. Go on vacation. Admittedly I don’t really go on vacation much, it’s hard to get a way when you have such a busy working calendar like me! But I did get to take a special trip this year to Assateague Island to visit the sand and surf (and some new friends) with my pony pals.

assateague island

9. Try something new. This year I took my first trip on a motor boat at the Marsh Creek State park, I built a super fort while mom was away in Chincoteague, and I even did some relaxing by the pool for the first time. Oh yeah, and I watched a movie in the park this summer!

10. Giggle more. I giggle everyday, what about you?

2012 Goals:

1. Learn a new trick with my favorite pony, Minnow.

2. Compete in my first agility trial or take an agility class with a new club.

3. Make more home movies, featuring me!

4. Get more creative with my costumes.

5. Master some new tricks and share them on the blog.

6. Take pictures every month for my 2013 Calendar!

7. Make more DIY projects.

8. Paint more.

9. Dig more holes in the backyard.

10. Smile everyday!

So what about you? What are your goals for 2012? Do you think I can accomplish everything on my list by this time next year?

P.S. Don’t forget there is still time to enter my giveaway to win my 2012 Calendar!

Ammo’s Christmas Recap – part 2

Yesterday you heard about my trip to the farm on Christmas morning and today I’m going to show you what Santa brought me for Christmas. After heading home from the farm I dove head first into my presents!

ammo the dachshund's christmas

If you didn’t already know, I’m a skilled present unwrap-per. It’s a gift really.

ammo the dachshund's christmas

Just check out this fun video of me unwrapping my presents on Christmas morning:

The aftermath always looks a little something like this.

ammo the dachshund's christmas

But boy did I get a whole bunch of fabulous gifts!

ammo the dachshund's christmas

Santa brought me a super fun stuffie toy that looked just like himself, and I also got this super fun bowtie from Silly Buddy (hi Buddy!). Mom and Dad bought me some new dog bowls from Garnet Hill and some all natural dog treats from a cool bakery in New York called Bocce’s Bakery. And lastly I got gifted an awesome gift card to Yellow Brick Home, so that I can get a portrait of ME! How fun!

But my Christmas Adventure didn’t stop there. Next I was headed over to Trooper’s house, where Trooper let me play with all his new Christmas presents.

ammo's christmas adventure

ammo's christmas adventure

I even gifted Trooper a batch of dog cookies and my mom and dad got him a custom portrait fromĀ Yellow Brick Home too!

Eventually I made my way over to mom mom’s house where I got to watch all my cousins open their Christmas gifts.

ammo's christmas adventure

I might have helped some with the unwrapping…

ammo's christmas adventure

….and eventually I ended up more festive looking than when I arrived!

ammo's christmas adventure

As you can imagine, I passed out in the car on the way home. This much Christmas excitement really wears a boy out! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family. Now I’ve got to rest up…..because this weekend is NEW YEARS! Woohoo!