Dachshund Finds Way to Make Biggest Mess Ever

Over the weekend mom and dad decided to put together a new piece of furniture they purchased.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

Of course as you know, I’m never one to not help out when there is a project at hand. So while mom and dad were busy assembling furniture in the other room, I decided to help disassemble the empty boxes for them.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

Mom and dad had a good laugh when I was done “helping”, although I’m not sure why.

Ammo the Dachshund Finds a Way to Make the Biggest Mess Ever

And I still don’t understand why I was immediately plopped outside after my box destroying duties. Sometimes my skills just aren’t appreciated around here.

So make sure the next time you have a box destroying need you give me a shout! I’m happy to go where my expertise is appreciated! Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity

Shipping & Receiving

Last week a box filled with packing materials made its way into the shop.

Shipping & Receiving with a Dachshund

Shipping & Receiving with a Dachshund

Since I’m never one to pass up the opportunity to play in a box (don’t knock it until you try it!), I wasted no time in jumping right in.

Shipping & Receiving with a Dachshund

Then I had a thought! Hey mom, since I’m already all packed up you might as well ship me to the nearest pet store. I’ll make sure to tell them to ship me back before dinner!

Happy Shipping and Receiving Day!Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


Boxed // Ammo the Dachshund

Recently my mom decided to dip into the idea of “buying in bulk” (you know like Sam’s Club and Bj’s Wholesale) after she read a post on one of her favorite blogs about a company called Boxed. She liked it so much that I’ve decided to share the fun we had with it (as in this is not a sponsored post) incase it might interest some of you.

Boxed // Ammo the Dachshund

My mom says Boxed seems to be the way to go to shop in bulk because there are no membership fees, you don’t have to go to the store and lug all those heavy items to and from the cart, and the prices even come out cheaper when my mom compared them to places like Amazon. Plus shipping is free on your first order, and on subsequent orders when you meet a minimum for your area (mine is $60).

Boxed // Ammo the Dachshund

Boxed even carries a few pet items as well. And while they don’t have a huge variety right now, they did say they add new products all the time.

But really I wanted to share Boxed with all of you because there is one major benefit to shopping with them…..

Boxed // Ammo the Dachshund

…..the boxes!! Seriously, you’ll never guess how much fun one of these big boxes can be.

Yea, lets just say I’m hoping mom shops from Boxed more often.

Boxed // Ammo the Dachshund

If you’d like to get your dog some big boxes to play in too you can use the code ZKB8A and save $20 on your first order from Boxed. Ammo the Dachshund

Disclaimer: This is NOT A SPONSORED POST, I just thought it would be fun to share my boxed adventures and thought some of you might enjoy hearing about this great website. Coupon code is a special referral code for all my friends.

Boxes for Doxies

I know what boxes are for. Boxes contain gifts. Gifts that may or may not be for little doxies like me. The only way to find out what’s inside boxes is to open them!

So behold, the largest box I’ve ever seen.

You can bet I wanted to rip that sucker open to see if there might be millions billions of bones for me.

Imagine my surprise when all that came out of that danged box was a coffee table. I was sooo excited. Not! At least the cleanup proved to be fun.

Apparently the item in the box is a "look but don't touch" piece. No fun for little doxies like me!

banner photo credit: Claude Closky