Hunting Groundhogs – Superdog style

Everybody knows that when hunting groundhogs there is one major accessory that you must have. THE SUPER CAPE!

It gives you lightning speed and super digging powers.

Apparently Trooper missed the memo about the super capes.

Looks like I’ll have to venture underground solo on this one!

I’m Ammo the Dachshund, and I’m faster than a speeding bullet!

Two Super Heros?

So you all know I’m a SuperHero right? I mean I have a cape after all – apparently that’s all you need to be a super hero. Did you see the movie Kick-Ass? Long story short, if you have a super cool outfit …oh and a willingness to fight bad guys …. then you can be a super hero too.

Ammo the Super Hero

Super Hero

I just never thought anyone else would WANT to be a Super Hero. Boy was I wrong.

I should have known something was up when mom broke out the sewing machine

What the!? What are you doing wearing a cape!?

I mean I guess it was inevitable – I do make cape wearing look pretty darn awesome.

Minnow getting fitted for his cape

Sigh. Just please tell me he doesn’t have any super powers.

Just watch your back Super Pony….

Helmet Upgrade

I wish this post was about me getting a stormtrooper helmet. I mean come on, how cool would that be!

No, instead – It’s embarrassing to admit – I have a flat head. Maybe not as bad as Frankenstein – but needless to say I could probably balance a few books on it. And just to clarify, having a flat head does not mean I have any less brains in there!

But since my head kinda falls short in the dome department, I’ve had a bit of trouble keeping my super awesome stunt helmet on my noggin. My mom had originally made a few adjustments on it for me – which worked just as well – but I thought it needed an upgrade. Lets just say my mom (in her haste to help keep my hat afloat) sewed the fabric upside down. And as much as I love my mom (love you mom), it just looked sloppy.

So after a few days of brainstorming with my mom, I give you the finished product! Thanks mom! You know I’d sew it myself if I had fingers.

BEFORE upgrades

DURING upgrades

WAITING for upgrades

AFTER upgrades

Checking out my new gear in the daylight

blog header credit: Photo showing 26 helmets and armor outside Shepperton Design Studios in 1976, credit