I wish this post was about me getting a stormtrooper helmet. I mean come on, how cool would that be!
No, instead – It’s embarrassing to admit – I have a flat head. Maybe not as bad as Frankenstein – but needless to say I could probably balance a few books on it. And just to clarify, having a flat head does not mean I have any less brains in there!
But since my head kinda falls short in the dome department, I’ve had a bit of trouble keeping my super awesome stunt helmet on my noggin. My mom had originally made a few adjustments on it for me – which worked just as well – but I thought it needed an upgrade. Lets just say my mom (in her haste to help keep my hat afloat) sewed the fabric upside down. And as much as I love my mom (love you mom), it just looked sloppy.
So after a few days of brainstorming with my mom, I give you the finished product! Thanks mom! You know I’d sew it myself if I had fingers.
BEFORE upgrades
DURING upgrades
WAITING for upgrades
AFTER upgrades
Checking out my new gear in the daylight
blog header credit: Photo showing 26 helmets and armor outside Shepperton Design Studios in 1976, credit StarWarsHelmets.com