Friday Fetch: The Puppoose

puppooseDog tired legs? Just need a rest? Well then I’ve found the product just for you! The Puppoose! I know, the name made me giggle too. According to D.O.G Boutique, where you can fetch this fine item, the Puppoose is the most natural way to carry your pet. It’s designed to fit any small dog and person and is made of luxuriously lightweight, soft fabric.

It’s crocheted design has 4 holes at the base for your little pet limbs and adjustable straps to adjust the length. And just think, your mom (or dad’s) hands would be totally free to do other things, you know, like cook you bacon on the stove!

And apparently it’s a rule that you have to rock out while wearing it…



You can fetch your own Puppoose at D.O.G. Boutique for $59.95.

P.S. Don’t worry, I don’t think I’ll ever be sporting one of these, the pictures (and the product) just make me giggle so I had to share!

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