The Return of the Speed Bump

ammo the dachshund at work

Ever since I initiated the “Dachshund Speed Bump” at work 2 years ago it has become a permeant fixture in the shop.

ammo the dachshund at work

The location of the “speed bump” changes slightly from day to day, but the main idea is always the same …..

ammo the dachshund at work

…..get as many people as possible to slow down and pet you.

ammo the dachshund at work

I’ll admit, it does sometimes make for an exhausting work day.

ammo the dachshund at work

The hours are long and grueling and you have to be willing to work for dog biscuits alone.

ammo the dachshund at work

But, it helps to keep yourself limber and stretch out every hour or so during the day.

ammo the dachshund at work

So next time you visit my shop please make sure you do not pass over the Dachshund Speed Bump….because I’m watching you!