Dressed up Dachshund

Dog in Bowtie // Ammo the Dachshund

Did you ever just feel like getting dressed up? You know, slicking back your hair and putting on your fanciest bowtie?

Dog in Bowtie // Ammo the Dachshund

Makes a dog feel pretty good!

Check out my 5 minute no sew bowtieAmmo the Dachshund

Fashion Show with my Friends Mattie & Margot

Disclaimer: This review is brought to you by Mattie & Margot.

Mattie & Margot Collars // Ammo the Dachshund

Have you heard of Mattie & Margot? If not, then you are missing out my friend. Makers of stylish handmade dog collars, Mattie & Margot carry every color under the sun, and they’re just what I needed to brighten up my summer!

Mattie & Margot Collars // Ammo the Dachshund

I purchased one of Mattie & Margot’s Mystery Collars (in yellow) and received this sunny Yellow Gold collar – isn’t it happy? With their Mystery Collars you can choose a color range for $16 or let it be a total surprise for $12 – what a great deal!

Mattie & Margot Collars // Ammo the Dachshund

And because Rachael (the expert sewing machine operator behind Mattie & Margot) knew that us farm dogs always need a back-up collar, she sent along this snazzy Bluebird/Navy Collar too.

Mattie & Margot Collars // Ammo the Dachshund

I’m still not sure which one I will stink up first on the farm, it’s a tough call.

Mattie & Margot Collars // Ammo the Dachshund

Mattie & Margot Collars // Ammo the Dachshund

I was looking so fine in my new collars that my kitty pal Spider got a little jealous. Too bad for her they don’t come in kitty sizes!

But for all you canines out there, I’m sure there’s a Mattie & Margot Collar just for you, they even come in a new miniature size! Which one would you choose?

[Shop] Mattie & Margot

[Friend] Mattie & Margot Ammo the Dachshund

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Pet

You all know I love a good DIY project, and when it takes less then 5 minutes and requires no sewing (for my mom who is not so handy with a needle and thread) it’s just an added bonus!

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

So for Easter this year my mom helped me whip up some quick DIY Bowties that I can wear when all my family comes to visit on Sunday. They’re so fun and easy to make that I can’t even decide which one to wear!

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Pet

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

What you need:

  • Scissors or Rotary cutter
  • Ruler
  • Fabric
  • Iron (optional)

Step 1: Cut a long rectangular piece of fabric (Mom cut mine 5″ x 19″ to make my small bow tie). The longer and wider you make your rectangle the bigger your bow tie will be. You will also want to cut a thinner strip of fabric, mine was 2″ x 19″, to be used later.

Step 2: Using your large rectangular piece of fabric fold in the edges. You can use an iron to crease the folds if need be.

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Step 3: Next fold your ends towards the center so that they just overlap where the center mark would be.

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Step 4: Fold the entire piece of fabric in half.

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Step 5: With the front of your bowtie facing you, crease it into 3 even pleats. Then place a clothespin on it to hold it in place while you move to the next step.

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Step 6: Using the small strip of fabric you cut, fold in the edges.

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Step 7: Wrap the thin strip of fabric around your bowtie and tie in a double knot in the back.

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Step 8: Tie your Bowtie around one of your dogs collars, trimming any excess fabric if need be.

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

You’re now ready for an Easter Party!

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Now if I could only decide which one to wear!

5 Minute No Sew DIY Easter Bowtie for your Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

P.S. I expect to see lots of dogs in dapper bowties this Easter! Post your dog in their best bowtie on my Facebook wall so we can enjoy them all! Ammo the Dachshund

The Sunny Spot

The Sunny Spot // Ammo the Dachshund

Did you ever find that perfect sunny spot in the house? You know the one, it’s warm and soft, and makes you just want to snuggle up and close your eyes.

The Sunny Spot // Ammo the Dachshund

The Sunny Spot // Ammo the Dachshund

There really is only one thing that can drag me from a sunny spot…..COOKIES!

The Sunny Spot // Ammo the Dachshund

Do you have any? Because I’d gladly lend you my sunny spot for the afternoon if you did! *wink* Ammo the Dachshund

Happy Valentine’s Day Friends

Yay, it’s finally here! Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine's Day Friends // Ammo the Dachshund

Today is the day to share your love with those you care about (although you should make it a point to do that every day!).

Happy Valentine's Day Friends // Ammo the Dachshund

I’ve always thought Valentine’s Day is great, especially when you’re wearing rose colored glasses!

Happy Valentine's Day Friends // Ammo the Dachshund

I can see things so much clearly now…..

Happy Valentine's Day Friends // Ammo the Dachshund

….like how especially good looking you are! *wink* *wink*

Happy Valentine's Day Friends // Ammo the Dachshund

But seriously I totally Woof You! Thank you so much for reading my blog, friending me on Facebook, and leaving me nice messages day after day. It makes a dog feel oh-so-loved.

Happy Valentine's Day Friends // Ammo the Dachshund

I’m blushing just thinking about all the love!

And because today is Valentine’s Day, I figured it was high time I updated my viral Valentine’s Day Photo, that was taken the very first year I had started my Facebook page, to something even better!

Happy Valentine's Day Friends // Ammo the Dachshund

Free Kisses circa 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Friends // Ammo the Dachshund

Free Kisses circa 2013


I hope you have a very LOVE -LY day….even without rose colored glasses! xoxo Happy Valentine’s Day! Ammo the Dachshund

Progress Report on Dog Agility

Ammo practices Dog Agility on his DIY Agility Jumps 2012As you probably know, I’ve been taking weekly agility training classes since last spring. I’ve come pretty far in my training, but I still have lots to learn until I’m ready to compete.

Last week I had a visitor at class…..which means I have video proof that I’m an agility dog! Yay!

This week I decided that the teeter totter was a bit scary – I mean do you really blame me, that thing catapults you into the sky! But mom helped me get through my fears, and hopefully I’ll be back to darting across it at super hero speed just like I had been doing for the past several months.

Anyone else taking dog agility classes? What’s your favorite obstacle? Mine is the A-frame! Ammo the Dachshund

Spring Doxiefest

We still have the winter to get through first, but I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of Spring. Especially this year, because it marks the 3rd Annual Spring Doxiefest in Bel Air, Maryland!

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

This year I will be attending this event on Sunday, April 21, 2013 from 11am – 3pm to be hosted by the Coast to Coast Dachshund Rescue.

Flying Hero Etsy Shop via Ammo the Dachshund

I have been invited to paint and perform during the Doxiefest and I’ll also be bringing along some of my cards and dachshund merchandise.

Ammo the Dachshund performance at the Keystone Dachshund Races

I’ve already begun working on a new performance, which I hope to have ready for this event.

ammo the dachshund and painting pony at point to point races

So mark your calendars, prepare your dachshunds, and be ready for a day of doxie fun this Spring! I hope to see you there!

More details on this event can be found HERE. Ammo the Dachshund

The non-Adventure Days

ammo the dachshund sleeping

Contrary to popular belief, not “everyday” is an adventure at my house.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

On those rare days that there isn’t much going on, I can be found like this.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

Fighting the urge to sleep, because you never know when you need to be ready for your next big adventure.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

ammo the dachshund sleeping

ammo the dachshund sleeping

It’s best to sleep with one eye open too, because…..

ammo the dachshund sleeping

..you never know when the paparazzi is going to show up!

ammo the dachshund sleeping

And everyone knows you don’t want to have photos of you with bed-head circling around on the internet.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

Lucky for me I look cute no matter what I’m doing. *wink* 


The Super Hero Code

ammo the dachshund super hero

Being a Super Hero means many different things. Not only do you have duties to uphold, but you also have to live by the Super Hero Code. And since you are my friends, I’m going to share with you the super top-secret Super Hero Code. Which means this is on a need-to know basis….and I better not find it all over Facebook! *wink*

Ammo’s Super Hero Code

ammo the dachshund super hero

1. You have to look extra dashing in your Super Hero cape (spandex tights are optional – as not everyone can pull those off).

ammo the dachshund super hero

2. You have to have a charming smile that makes everyone instantly fall in love with you. (This one’s for the ladies).

ammo the dachshund super hero

3. You need to be able to bark in the face of danger (growling can be substituted if need be), because Super Heroes can’t be weenies.

ammo the dachshund super hero

4. Your greatest weapon is your nose, and a great Super Hero can smell friend or foe from a mile away.

ammo the dachshund super hero

5. You need to have bulging muscles and the ability to think on your toes.

ammo the dachshund super hero

6. You have to be smart and courageous or at least hide the fact that you like to snuggle under the covers with your mom at night.

ammo the dachshund super hero

7. All Super Heroes like cookies. (and we’re never too proud to accept donations – please see my mailing address below) *wink*

ammo the dachshund super hero

8. You must never take yourself too seriously, and laugh everyday.

ammo the dachshund super hero

9. You must have a heart of gold

ammo the dachshund super hero

10. And most importantly….Super Heroes don’t have to clean their bedrooms, pick up their toys, or brush their teeth. Did you hear that mom? It’s in the code! *wink*


Now go forth and be Super everyday!

An Apple A Day

Friday is the first day of Autumn here in the good old US of A. Which means the apple tree in my back yard is looking a lot like this lately:

apple tree

apple tree

Fall is my favorite time of year, not only is my Birthday in 2 weeks (October 5th to be exact), but it’s the anniversary of when I met my family. So to pre-celebrate the lovely fallness, I had a little chow down on my first apple of the season.

fall apple ammo the dachshund

fall apple ammo the dachshund

fall apple ammo the dachshund

This means I don’t have to go to my annual vet check up in November then, right?