Tonight We Dine!

As the weather gets even warmer I look forward to more nights out on the town with my mom and dad. Being a small dog means I can easily be taken lots of places, and outdoor dining is no exception.

Dining at 4 Dogs Tavern with a Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Dining at 4 Dogs Tavern with a Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Dining at 4 Dogs Tavern with a Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Being a small dog also means I can easily fit under the table – which is the best place to be when you’re hoping for table scraps! Yum!


Check out one of my previous outdoor dining adventures HERE, where I met a pretty cute motorcycle babe!Ammo the Dachshund

Friday Fetch: Pintofeed – Smartphone Automatic Pet Feeder

Since I was just a wee pup my mom has always monitored the amount of food I get, careful not to overfeed me, and always keeping me looking fit and in-shape. So when I stumbled across the Pintofeed, an automatic pet feeder controlled by your smartphone, I couldn’t help but think it was a great way to monitor how much your pet is eating on a daily basis.

Friday Fetch: Pintofeed - Automated Pet Feeder // Ammo the Dachshund

Whether you’re on the go, working late at the office or out of town on vacation, just open up the Pintofeed app and feed your pet with a tap of a button. Pintofeed will learn about your pet’s typical feeding times and automatically create a schedule to dispense food. The smart app also allows you to monitor your pet’s food intake and compare to the national average.

Friday Fetch: Pintofeed - Automated Pet Feeder // Ammo the Dachshund

I was thinking this doesn’t even have to be used when you are away from the home, but as a way to make sure your pet is eating the exact amount you want every single day. From the comfort of your couch you can feed your dog too!

Friday Fetch: Pintofeed - Automated Pet Feeder // Ammo the Dachshund

This would also be a great product to use for cats as well, I think my cat friends on the farm would greatly benefit from a product like this.

Friday Fetch: Pintofeed - Automated Pet Feeder // Ammo the Dachshund

The Pintofeed is also out to lend a helping paw by donating funds to the Animal Rescue Site with every sale of their product.

Friday Fetch: Pintofeed - Automated Pet Feeder // Ammo the Dachshund

You can find out more about the Pintofeed and pre-order yours HERE. Ammo the Dachshund

Ammo’s Instagram Weekend

Incase you missed it, here’s what my weekend looked like:

Ammo the Dachshund's Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund's Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund's Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund's Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund's Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund's Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund's Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund's Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund's Instagram Weekend

Time on the farm, dinner out with mom and dad, homemade pickles, napping, and a trip to the ice cream shop. It was the perfect way to spend my weekend. Ammo the Dachshund

You can follow along with my adventures on instagram here.

Motorcylce Mama

annie the motorcycle dog

This is Annie and her Dad. I met Annie on Sunday at the 4 Dogs Tavern while I was there grabbing some dinner with my mom and dad. Now normally I consider myself a pretty tough guy, but Annie, well she’s even tougher.

annie the motorcycle dog

See this is Annie’s motorcycle! She has a special seat in the back and has her very own pink helmet and goggles. I was too embarrassed to tell Annie that I have a helmet too – except I use mine to play Super Heroes.

ammo the super dog

Not too cool when you’re trying to pick up chicks – well unless she’s a damsel in distress, but that’s another story.

annie the motorcycle dog

Well Annie, I hope we meet again, because you’re one hot motorcycle mama!

ammo at 4 dogs tavern

P.S. I ordered the bacon for dinner.

Friday Fetch: Anderson Bowls

It’s no secret that I’m a nature loving pooch. Hunting, digging, hiking – it’s totally my thing. So when I discovered the Anderson dog dish’s, I knew it was right up my alley!

Anything but plain, the simple cylindrical dog feeders are made of Natural Acacia Wood, highlighting its natural beauty. (Includes Stainless Steel Bowl).

You can fetch your own at Bitch New York. $35 – $64

Also check out the similarly styled Acadia Dish for $45- $108 (unfortunately no longer available). Your pooch will love eating his dinner and being eco-friendly at the same time!

I was not paid or perk’d to share this product. I just think it’s totally pawesome!