“Thunder Dog” – that’s totally an awesome superdog name if you ask me. I was actually thinking maybe I could use it. Ammo, The Thunder Dog or Ammo, Dog of Thunder – has a nice little ring to it, especially since the sky has been giving me lots of it lately.
After a nasty dry spell this summer mother nature has decided to play a cruel trick on us and let all of the summer rain come at once. Thunder so loud it shakes the ground and skies so dark I need a flashlight mid-day to hunt my groundhogs.
It’s actually sort of peaceful out on the farm as the ominous clouds start rolling in.
*wince* But, the THUNDER is out of this World!
Then the sky opens up and buckets upon buckets of water begin to blanket the ground. And really, there is only one thing to do when that happens….
….scream your head off and run around like crazy! (rain is fun, didn’t you know?)
Even the ponies are super excited about the rain, especially Chesapeake Lightning aka Blitz (see he was MADE for the rain) – because with rain, comes grass, and those ponies LOVE to eat!
Me, I love the rain, but sometimes what happens after the rain is even better.
Hello Mr. Rainbow, did you come to brighten up my day?
But, holey moley, I must have the luck of a leprechaun, because it’s a Double Rainbow (do you see it?). Time to run around screaming my head off again – because I’m sure this is gonna bring me a whole bunch of luck!
What about you? Is mother nature storming on your parade too? Or are you puddle jumping and running around like crazy because you’ve been seeing Double Rainbows too? Do tell!