Visit to the Uwchlan Hills Elementary School

Last Friday I took a trip to the Uwchlan Hills Elementary School for Reader Appreciation Day & Dr. Suess’ Birthday. I’m certainly no Dr. Suess, but I did bring along one of my favorite books, Superdog: The Heart of a Hero.

ammo the dachshund goes to school

I was so excited to meet the 3rd grade class that I’d be reading to, I could hardly wait. I even wore my special super hero cape, because I knew the kids would love it.

ammo the dachshund goes to school

After mom helped me read the book I brought, I then got to show all the kids my super cool tricks – like playing dead, jumping through a hoop, and giving some awesome high-fives.

ammo the dachshund goes to school

Afterwards I even showed the kids my special movie that my friends the Painting Ponies are in too.

ammo the dachshund goes to school

Not to brag, but the kids didn’t even want to go to their lunch because they were having so much fun petting me. They even dressed me up in a Dr. Suess hat!

ammo the dachshund goes to school

And had I packed my lunch that day – I probably would of stayed too.

ammo the dachshund goes to school

Going to school was so much fun, kinda makes me wish I could go every day! 


My trip to School

When my mom told me we were going to school, I was super excited. If there is one thing I do know, it’s that kids LOVE to feed dogs! But what I wasn’t expecting was the 4am wake up call!

I had had a super busy Mother’s Day the day before – so it was really hard for me to drag myself out of bed – even for the kids.

But I pulled it together the best that I could, and me and Cricket helped mom pack the horse trailer. See we were headed to the Renaissance Academy to teach the kids all about Misty of Chincoteague (you know from the famous kid’s book). When we got there mom had to give a talk to all the kids about Misty, but I made sure she also mentioned Alex, Misty’s Dachshund sidekick.

Photo from Life Magazine

Seriously how cool is it that Misty also had a super cool dachshund sidekick too! Did you know he did tricks too? He could jump through a hoop, climb a ladder, and he even liked to dress up in doll clothes. We totally would have been best friends. I’ll have to write a post later with more about my brother from another mother, Alex!

Later Minnow and I performed our famous skit, Super Pony vs. Super Dog. The kids laughed like crazy when I got to wear my stunt helmet – one kid even wanted to know if I could do a back flip. I think I’ll definitely have to learn……just for you kid…..because you think I’m cool enough to do a back flip.

I was even filmed for a new video my Uncle Taylor is going to make. I’m sure I’ll be the star.

After each performance Minnow and I got to walk around so the kids could pet us. Well ok, Minnow walked, and I got carried. I won’t lie, I took the opportunity to take a nap.

Yeah, I was pretty popular – lots of kids even wanted my autograph!

By the end of our visit I was pooped!

Even Super dogs need to take naps sometime!


If you want to learn more about my school visit you can check out these links:

Painting Pony Blog – School Visit Recap

Renaissance Academy Library Blog – Lots of photos

The Phoenix Paper – Video & Article coming soon!