Over the weekend mom and I arrived at the farm to find a celebration! Mom said it was a baby shower for my soon-to-be little sister, although the way I saw it was a celebration of me becoming a big brother!

It was the perfect combination of ponies….

….and food! (My favorite).

Of course it wouldn’t have been a celebration if I didn’t break of my bowtie! The brother-to-be always has to look his best.

Even though my buddy Minnow was just outside in the pasture, we certainly had to include him in the festivities too. So he was inside in spirit for a pin-the-baby-on-the-pony game.

Eventually it was time for my favorite part of the day! Opening presents!

I’m an expert at gift unwrapping and I was super excited to see what all my friends and family brought to celebrate my “becoming a big brother”.

There were lots of sweet dachshund (and pony) related gifts that were opened but I was starting to realize why mom said it was a “baby shower”.

Eventually Trooper and I started to loose interest in the baby gear so I decided to checkout what fun games there might be for me to play instead.

I was in luck, because not only was there was a stinky inspired game just for me, but it also included candy bars in a “guess which candy bar/dirty diaper game”. I may or may not have gotten in big trouble for trying to steal one of them! 😉

I sulked for a bit about not being involved as much as I would have liked in this “baby shower”, but mom told me not to worry…

…for she says soon I’ll have to test all the baby gear for my sister before she comes. And something tells me mom and dad will be practicing carrying me around in this baby carrier pretty soon!

After the shower I helped gift all our special friends these cute little horse shoes to show how much I appreciated them coming to celebrate my little sister.

Mom, Dad, Minnow, Me and Boomerang (who just happened to be in another pasture for this picture) are super excited for my little sister to get here! I can’t wait to show her where all the groundhog holes are on the farm, she’s going to love it!
Do you include your dog in family gatherings and parties?