Epic Battle

ammo and trooper

Me and Trooper were hanging out at the farm last night, picking up leftover grain under the feed tubs, when we suddenly remembered we had something really important to do.

ammo and trooper

We had an epic battle to attend to….of Jedi vs. Jedi in an ultimate lightsaber battle of wits!

epic battle ammo and trooper

Let the battle begin!

ammo and trooper

It was pretty intense, so I had to take frequent refueling breaks at the water bowl. A Jedi can’t fight thirsty afterall.

epic battle ammo and trooper

The battle lasted for hours…although we could have gone on for days. But in the end….

epic battle ammo and trooper

….somehow we both ended up snuggled next to each other on the couch. Honestly, I have no idea how we got there – it must have been one EPIC battle!


Fight Club

It always starts so innocently. You’re just having a good sniff in the wilderness with your best pal….

….and then the next thing you know, you’re fighting over a towel.

Sometimes you can win the fight…..

….and then other days you’re just feeling really weak restricted by some cumbersome winter coats.

So if you think you “might” lose, there is always one full-proof plan.

Run to mom for help.

And then when your opponent gets scolded by mom…..you attack!

Playing dead afterward will ensure that you get lots of loving from mom.

Now go forth and be victorious. And please, don’t tell Trooper my fighting secrets.