Sound Proof

Sound Proof - Ammo the Dachshund is a Seasoned DIY Dog

Trips to my local hardware store are a pretty common occurrence for me. I’ve come to look forward to perusing the isles for all the special DIY materials mom and dad are looking for for their next big project.

Sound Proof - Ammo the Dachshund is a Seasoned DIY Dog

The employees always seem surprised with how well behaved I am and how unfazed I am with all the loud noises going on in the lumber department.

I just smile and nod, because I’m pretty much sound proof at this point thanks to all the DIY projects mom and dad take on!

Is your dog completely unfazed by loud noises like me?Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


Lumber Yard

It seems that around my house a dog’s day is never done.

Just when I think it’s time to punch out for the day – here we are headed to Lowes for lumber……until 9pm at night! Thank goodness mom felt sorry for me and let me sleep in the car…..

……instead of having to ride around in the shopping cart…..or even worse…..

…inside mom’s purse!

I was really hoping all the new lumber was for something really cool, like a dog house or a firetruck! But alas, mom says it’s to build garden boxes and the rest of dad’s workbench.

Really? We had to go to Lowes at 9pm for that? Just wake me when we make a pit-stop at Petco please.