
I should get to be on the cast of Jersey Shore! I bet I could start some awesome “dog fights” with my reality cast members….I know you’d watch it! I just need a really cool nick name like “A-Dog” or “TheBullet”.

Here’s a little look back at my first (and only thus far) trip to the Jersey Shore with my pal Trooper. I was bummed it wasn’t sunny and warm – instead rainy and cold – but that didn’t stop me and Trooper from having a blast!

I’ll keep you posted on any upcoming tv offers to appear on Jersey Shore. 🙂

beach image from here.

Nap Time

Napping. It’s one of a dog’s favorite pastimes, well aside from hunting groundhogs, and it’s one of my favorites too.

Napping is an art though. Despite my ability to drift into la la land pretty easily, there are definitely some things that make nap time that much more enjoyable.

#1 Darkness. If the light switch is not easily accessible than this can also be achieved by burrowing inside blankets, between couch cushions, and under furniture.

#2 More Cushion. Who wants to lay on a wood floor? Definitely not this guy. Dog beds and couches are fine, but if you really want a cushy place to lay your head, check out the ‘rents bed. Trust me, it’s way better.

#3 Lulling Sounds. If you think someone is going to play soft soothing music for you, you are mistaken. If you can figure out how to turn the radio on than high five to you otherwise you might have to make your own noise so someone else will turn it on to drown you out.

#4 Bring a Friend. Napping alone is no fun. Having a pal to lay next to you and keep you warm is just the icing on the cake! So always always always bring a napping pal.

#5 Be adaptable. Sometimes the best snooze spot in the house is taken. You need to be able to get comfy anywhere – try sleeping on your back, upside down, or even curled in a ball. You’d be surprised just how comfy you can get.

#6 Look Adorable. The more adorable you look when you are sleeping, the less likely it is that someone will wake you up. If your people start taking pictures while you are sleeping, then you are golden, there is a zero chance they will wake you up for anything for the next few hours. Keep up the good work.

#7 Have sweet dreams. Nobody likes nightmares. So make sure you think happy thoughts before you fall asleep – this will ensure that you only dream of chasing bunnies, rolling in stinky stuff, and eating the biggest rawhide bone. Don’t worry if you startle yourself awake with high pitched cries or flailing limps – this is all part of your dream.

#8 Watch the time. As much as napping is fun, it can’t last forever. Don’t nap your day away, you will miss out on some awesome adventures. Wearing your cape during naptime is a good idea, then you are always ready for the action at hand!

sweet dreams my friend.

Giveaway: Doggie Prize Pack

UPDATE: This contest is no longer accepting entries – see winner here.

Since I got a new winter coat yesterday, I thought it was only fair that my friends got something too. So how about another giveaway!! Yeah!

You all remember the squeaky toy I got right?

A bonus to my new coat.....I got a super sweet squeaky toy!

Well how about we have a little contest to see who can guess how long I can keep it alive!

First a little background on my “de-squeaking” abilities. Do you remember my Buddy?

Well he only lasted a few days…..

But that’s not to say I won’t keep this squeeky toy around for a few days, maybe even weeks….he’s already survived day #1 unharmed. You never know!!

Here’s the details:

PRIZE: one doggie prize pack filled with fun specially chosen by Ammo
TO ENTER: Comment on this post with a guess as to what DATE you think my yellow squeaky face toy will cease to live. (we count death as any punctures to his face)
GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Whenever the squeaky toy dies! So comment now, or take your chances and wait a few days.
PRIZE SHIPS: Everywhere!
FINE PRINT: Only one entry per e-mail address. The winner will be chosen at random using  from all of the correct answers and announced whenever we say adios to little yellow happy face. Good luck!

post header image from here.

It’s Gettin’ Chilly up in Here

Ok well it was chilly, then it got hot again, but I’m pretty certain that it WILL be chilly again. I have my paws crossed that we get lots and lots of snow just like last winter. Mom said not to hope for that because that just means more shoveling for her at home and the farm. But lucky for me I don’t have hands….so I get a reprieve from shovel duty, thus my desire for snow.

I love the snow so much that last year mom invested in a winter rain coat for me from Noodle & Friends.

I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty rough on the thing. After a winter season of record breaking snow, wrestling matches with Trooper, and some woodland escapades I put a few “dents” in the ole’ winter coat. Lets just say I lost a few buttons along the way and I’m still gonna deny I know where that rip in it came from! I think Trooper did it!

Anyway, mom said she felt sorry for me in my tattered coat seeing as how the “chill” would be coming soon.

So as luck would have it, check out what arrived in the mail yesterday!

It’s my new winter coat from Noodle & Friends!

Maybe if I close my eyes and wish hard enough then the snow will come early!

Mom says when I visit the farm this winter I’m going to have to wear my yellow raincoat on top of this one to keep warm. Bummer. How the heck am I supposed to be nimble and spry with all those coats on?

Oh well, atleast I look super stylish.

A bonus to my new coat.....I got a super sweet squeaky toy!

Don't taunt me squeaky......I will eat you!

winter image from here.

Cider Doughnuts & Bubble Baths

I live in farm country. Right out my back door is rolling farmland, cows, horses, and the sweet smell of manure. It’s a dog’s dream really.

Chester County, PA is a hot spot for farmers – and the neighboring Amish in Lancaster County too.

Taking a drive in farm country is one of my favorite things to do in the fall. And that’s just what I got to do on Sunday!

ahhh the sweet smell of farm land

yuck! I think a bug flew up my nose!

When we arrived at our farmland destination I could smell livestock, apples & pumpkins! We were at Highland Orchards! Mom said the Orchard makes the best apple cider & cider doughnuts in the fall…..this was probably why the line wrapped around the building.

Apparently though, it’s not fall unless you wait in the line for a taste of warm cider doughnuts – unfortunately I had to wait in the car.

But the good news is I got a taste when we got to Iron Horse Farm, which is just around the corner from the orchard.

just waiting for my doughnut

oh no! Cricket's getting in on my begging act

come on I'm way cuter than her!

that's it just a little lower!

After doughnuts and cider I had a quick training session with my pal Minnow. We’re working on a super cool new act to debut at the Equine Extravaganza in a few weeks! I’m excited to show everyone when it’s finished!

Then it was back home for….BATHTIME!??

Oh wait, I forgot, I’m one of those strange dogs that loves to get baths! I pretty much jump into the tub everyday just hoping someone will come in and turn the water on for me…if only I had opposable thumbs!

mmmmm....all fresh and clean. can we do it again?

Well looks like I’ll just have to go looking for something stinky to roll in so I can get another bath! I’m thinking stink bugs….since we’re pretty much infested with them right now!

blog post header image from here.

It’s a Sign

Over the weekend I had a lot of adventures. I have adventures pretty much everyday – but the weekends are reserved for FARM ADVENTURES!

Nothing better that spending a nice fall weekend out on the farm.

This weekend I took a trip down the driveway (I know way big deal!) to check out the new farm sign.

Normally I don’t venture too far past the barn, and I know I’m not allowed on the road by myself. But this was a special occasion and mom said I could come. My mom said that dad designed the farm sign – and that we named the farm Iron Horse Farm on account of the old train tracks that run through part of the property.

The sign was pretty cool I guess, but I was more interested in hanging out with my pony pals in the pasture. And maybe sneaking a few bites of horse poop…..shhh….don’t tell.

Hey Boomerang! Don't ya want to come play with me?

Blitz is interested in playing a game of fetch I think!

Ok or maybe he'd rather take a nap! He can barely keep his eyes open!

Well, lucky for me I’ll be back to visit my pony friends tomorrow! Perhaps they will feel more like playing then!

post header image from here.

Art & A Movie

It’s Saturday, so I thought I’d give you a little something to smile about.

First up we have a video featuring me.

Yeah my bone got cooties. No one wants to touch a bone with cooties…you might catch them!

Next up I’ve got a new little artwork that I just made! I was testing out a new “classic” Dachshund shape, what do you think?

“White Dachshund No.7”

This masterpiece is now available in my online shop! Yipee! I really like him!

I hope I made you smile today!

Downingtown Fall Fest 2010

On Sunday I had to go to work. I know, the horror….working on my day off. Although, it turned out to not be so bad – I got A LOT of treats!

See me and mom had a plan, a plan to get people into our shop during the Downingtown Fall Fest. We posted cute pictures of me all over the window, enticing people inside to meet me.

And you know what? My cute mug did the trick….hoards of people came through the door to meet me. And lets just say I jumped through my hoop and played dead about a billion times. All in the name of smiles!

Where are all the peoples?

maybe if I sit infront of the door people will come see me

I bet the helmet will do the trick!

finally getting to show off my hoop jumping skills

I gave an amazing performance when playing dead!

I could do this all day!

blog header image from here.

Dressage at Devon 2010

Last Saturday I joined the Elite and took a trip to Dressage at Devon. Dressage to me looks like a bunch of fancy ponies prancing around (sometimes to music) in an arena. But being as I’m a super amazing horse trainer, I know it’s got to be so much more than that. Mom told me that Dressage is sort of like Ballet for horses (except without the tutus). In fact, my mom herself has a fancy smancy Dressage horse, Niatross – or as we call him around the farm “Nitro”. When Nitro was younger he was apparently quite the Dressage competitor, but nowadays Nitro is happily enjoying retirement at the family farm. Should I be so lucky someday!

My view from the stands

During my trip to Devon I got to watch the Grand Prix Dressage Freestyles, in which the horses ride to music. Sometimes Dressage can get kinda boring – and it’s typical to hear a lot of Classical Music. However, this year a lot of the riders used some really neat music – including Madonna’s “Vogue”. I don’t know much about music, but I do know I was dancing in my seat to all the cool beats!

The other thing about Devon is the crowds, not just the people crowd, but the dog crowd. It’s a known fact that only the coolest dogs attend Devon. I’m not trying to brag, but I’m like a Devon expert. I know just how to navigate the crowds without being stepped on – and believe me, I can totally sniff out the funnel cake!

I smell funnel cake!

During my escapades in the crowd I met lots of new people. I even met a lady that said she bred Dachshunds. She told me I was a very gorgeous Dachshund – don’t worry I told her I was a boy and that she should call me handsome. She oo’d and ahh’d over my red dapple coat….and something about Wild Boar hair on my tail. I don’t know what the heck she was talking about, but I KNOW I didn’t come from any Wild Boar.

Oh please let me eat those french fries!

Fancy Dressage ponies weren’t the only ones at Devon. I even got to meet a few “officers” – I promise I’m not in trouble with the law. I kinda kept my distance though, would you believe that their feat are bigger than my entire body? I didn’t know ponies came that big!?

Do they need any police dog Dachshunds on the force? I could sniff out bad guys!

Sigh. Devon proved to be just too exhausting for me and I conked out before the end of the show. Maybe next year I’ll be able to stay up for the whole thing!

It’s past my bedtime

It’s my Birthday

It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to, cry if I want to.

Ok well I didn’t really cry…..instead I jumped for joy, because yesterday was my Birthday and I got lots of fun presents! I didn’t know what to play with first!

Yeah seriously, this is something from a dream….I mean a GIANT tennis ball, how cool is that!

Flying Squirrel…oh boy!

And a gift from my bestest friend, Trooper, thanks pal! I’ll TRY to save you a bone.