Arch Nemesis

I’m a pretty tough dude. I hunt rodents, perform tricks with ponies, guard the house from intruders, and bravely stare danger in the face. But there is one thing that frightens me! ….


They make scary noises, the suck things up (perhaps little Dachshunds too), and they just give me the heebie-jeevies. Do you blame me? Me and the vacuum don’t have any horrible incidents in our past, so I’m not sure why I hate him so much. Perhaps it’s because my bestest pal Trooper is afraid of vacuums. I think for now I’ll just have to blame my fear on him!

ammo hiding

Hiding from my arch nemesis

ammo hiding

Please...just leave me alone!

ammo hiding

I just know he's around there somewhere!

Stuntdogs can Blog too!

ammo the stuntdog

My work as a stuntdog is rewarding and challenging. Jumping through hoops, playing dead, and chasing the occasional groundhog – it’s all in a days work for me. Oddly enough though, you people (my fans), seem to enjoy hearing about these things. I don’t know why, I mean how interesting is it to hear that I’m napping all day, or eating horse poop out at the farm.

Whatever the reason is, you asked, and I delivered! My little old Facebook page has grown into this. A Blog. A Blog about me, Ammo the Dachshund. I just hope I can keep busy enough to have lots of interesting things to post for you. That shouldn’t be too hard though, as it is I barely have time to catch a cat nap now!

So if you love you some Ammo, be sure to add to your google reader, RSS Feeds, or simply stop by everyday! And don’t worry all my Facebook fans, I’ll still be posting daily over there too!

xoxo Ammo

Hello world!

Ammo the Dachshund, resident stuntdog

Welcome to the Blog of Me, Ammo the Dachshund! If you’ve stumbled upon here, please bare with me as I update and make changes.

I should have some posts up shortly, so be sure to check back, as my life is pretty darn exciting for a dog!