Friday Fetch: Holiday Spirit for You and Your Dog

Being that it’s Black Friday (the biggest Holiday Shopping Day of the Year), I thought it would be fun to do a little Holiday Spirit round-up for you AND YOUR DOG. Because we all know how much fun it is to get into the Holiday Spirit. So here’s a few dog-gone-great items I’ve been drooling over lately ….

Holiday Shopping Guide for You and Your Dog via Ammo the Dachshund

1. Lumps of Coal Dog Cookies from Bocce’s Bakery

2. Threshold Dog Mug with Spoon form Target

3. Found Holiday Collar from Olive

4. Scottie Dog Stocking Holder from Target

5. Santa is My Homeboy T-shirt from Scutte


I don’t know about you, but I’m totally ready to get my jingle jangle on! While your getting into the Holiday Shopping Spirit, don’t forget to check out my Online Shop for great Holiday Cards as well as my 2013 Calendar, it makes a great Christmas gift! Ammo the Dachshund

Wilderness Trail Treats Review

Last week my friends over at Mr. Chewy were kind enough to send me over a package of Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats in Chicken Jerky to try. Now honestly, who would pass up the opportunity to eat treats….no one I tell you, no one.

Ammo the Dachshund // Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats Review // Mr. Chewy

I must admit, I’m already a fan of the Blue Buffalo brand, in fact I currently eat their small breed dry dog food, but I have never tried their Wilderness Trail Treats.

Ammo the Dachshund // Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats Review // Mr. Chewy

I was certainly intrigued by the “wilderness” part of it, and I pictured myself lurking in the wild in search of my dinner just like the lone wolf on the package. But just to be clear I do not want to be dropped off in the woods to fend for myself – I like my dog bed and heat lamp, and prefer my food to come pre-packaged, just fyi!

Ammo the Dachshund // Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats Review // Mr. Chewy

So after the obligatory “pose with package” photos mom made me take, I was more than ready to test them out.

Ammo the Dachshund // Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats Review // Mr. Chewy

Mmmmm, tastes like chicken!

Ammo the Dachshund // Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats Review // Mr. Chewy

Ammo the Dachshund // Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats Review // Mr. Chewy

Blue Buffalo’s Wilderness Trail Treats are grain free and made with no by-products or artificial anything, which means it’s practically like eating chicken….right off the chicken!

Ammo the Dachshund // Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats Review // Mr. Chewy

As I gnawed on my pieces of chicken jerky I couldn’t help by channel my inner wolf – although in my case I was gnawing on imaginary ground-hog (those sneaky critters).

Ammo the Dachshund // Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats Review // Mr. Chewy

If you want to channel your inner wolf too you can fetch your own bag of Wilderness Trail Treats from Mr. Chewy!


Ammo the DachshundDisclosure: I received a bag of Wilderness Trail Treats to review from Mr. Chewy, but all opinions are entirely my own.

My Latest Shopping Treasures

It’s no secret that I love to shop for the latest and greatest dog products, evident by my weekly blog feature, Friday Fetch. So when I actually get a chance to test some of these products out myself convince mom she has to buy me something, I love to share my experiences with my fans.

Ammo the Dachshund // Molly Mutt // Found My Animal

I always seem to be in the need for a new dog bed, mostly because I like to chew on my bed at work. Don’t tell my mom, but really I chew them up because I can’t wait to pick out a new duvet cover from one of my favorite companies, Molly Mutt.

Ammo the Dachshund // Molly Mutt // Found My Animal

I love Molly Mutt because the dog bed duvet covers are oh so stylish, and mom says she loves them because she doesn’t have to pay for an entire new dog bed when I go on one of my chewing frenzies. So I guess you’d call it a win-win.

Ammo the Dachshund // Molly Mutt // Found My Animal

My next purchase of the week was a leash made by Found My Animal, because a dog can never have too many leashes.

Ammo the Dachshund // Molly Mutt // Found My Animal

Mom purchased this leash through the new deal site LeLePets at a discounted price. It caught my eye because it was a little bit different than the average dog walking device. Yes it is bright orange (probably wouldn’t have been my first color choice though but it was the only thing available through LeLePets), but it also comes adorned with a stamped tag.

Ammo the Dachshund // Molly Mutt // Found My Animal

I’ve always been a fan of the rope leashes (probably because they are reminiscent of a pony lead rope, and you all know how I love ponies), and this one even has a few extra goodies up it’s sleeve.

Ammo the Dachshund // Molly Mutt // Found My Animal

Instead of being a fixed handle at the end it has a clip that can be attached to two different rings, creating a larger or smaller loop. Mom thought this would be great when she needs to “park me” at a tree, or perhaps during a therapy dog visit. I mostly thought it would come in handy so I could attach myself to the paddle board should I go overboard again on our next lake outing.

Either way, this new leash attachment has already proven to be very functional.

Overall I give both this week’s purchases two paws up – hopefully I’ll be back soon to share some more pet products I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing. I just have to get my sad puppy eyes warmed up to use on mom…..I have my eye on some new fall sweaters! Ammo the Dachshund


*Disclosure: I was not paid or perked to share these products with you. Both items were fully purchased.

Friday Fetch: The Life of Ryley

While on one of my many searches to find a cool and new product to show you for my Friday Fetch installment on the blog I came across a super fun site that sells some unique pet products. And because I couldn’t decide on just one item to share I decided why not share all my favorites!

the life of ryley

Here’s the story behind the pet products sold on The Life of Ryley…

The Life of Ryley was born out of frustration!  Over a decade ago, designer Tracy Stillman was trying to find a collar for her soft-coated wheaten terrier named Ryley.  How could it be that no collar existed that effectively showcased Ryley’s unique personality? Much less a collar that appealed to Tracy’s level of style and sophistication?  This was one spectacular duo that needed more than just an ordinary old collar.

So Tracy created her own collar just for Ryley…and from there The Life of Ryley blossomed.

The company took a little catnap for a few years.  But things kicked up again when The Life of Ryley was introduced to Colin Cuneo, a business developer and dog-lover drawn to the sense of adventure and go-gettum’ attitude that dogs bring about.

Together, Tracy and Colin have brought The Life of Ryley back with a full line of products that boast style, class and quality for pet owners who understand that sensible accessories can still be fashionable accessories.

Sadly, Ryley passed on June 8, 2010. But the rebirth of this company serves as a tribute to this angel who will be forever loved.

Check out these fun products from The Life of Ryley:

dog agility necklace - the life of ryley

Dog Agility necklace (for the humans) to keep your clicker and whistle right where you need it – such a fun idea!

faux bois ceramic dog bowl - life of ryley

Faux Bois Ceramic dog bowl, comes in white or brown

life of ryley - night owl collar

Night Owl Reflector Collar

life of ryley - rugby leash

Rugby Leash

life of ryley - park bag necklace

Park Bag Necklace – a “prettier” way to carry those doggie bags to the park

You can fetch these fun products and more on The Life of Ryley Website, also be sure to check out their Facebook page

Birthday Week: More Gifts!

Just when I thought there were no more presents to be had during Birthday week I got an extra special surprise in the mail all the way from Canada!

ammo the dachshund - glowdoggie

Leila & Harriet from Glowdoggie sent me one of their new neon green mini collars for my Birthday! Aren’t they so sweet. And they must have known how much of a spoiled sport Trooper is too, because they sent one along for him too.

ammo the dachshund - glowdoggie

I’m pretty certain that we will be playing “star wars” with our new “light sabers” out on the farm very very soon.

ammo the dachshund - glowdoggie

So thanks girls! I’m sending some wet nose kisses your way!

molly mutt dog duvet

Mom also surprised me with one more gift (which hasn’t quite arrived yet…..shame on her for ordering too late) – it’s a new Molly Mutt duvet cover! Now I just have to decide whether to put it on my dog bed at home – or in the shop…..hummm decisions, decisions.

And because every good party host has party favors for their guests – here are some deals offered up especially for all my friends….

Glowdoggie: Get FREE SHIPPING to the US when you mention AMMO at checkout!
Molly Mutt: 10% off your entire order with code yourock11

All my deals are now conveniently located on the sidebar of my blog….yeah for saving money!


Friday Fetch: The Doggie Bag

The other day mom visited Petco without me. I know the horror! But at least she didn’t come back empty handed. And even though she didn’t buy me EVERYTHING I wanted, she did come back with the scoop on some new dog-gone great dog toys.

One of those items is The Doggie Bag. A new product from Hyper Pet. It’s a wiggling, barking, bag of fun! Their website boasts that it’s the perfect toy for hyper dogs.

Hyper or not, their fun promo video (see below) made me want to give it a try myself! The fact that it had a couple of cute little long haired Dachshunds in it may have helped a little too. So maybe if I promise to be really good next time mom’s at petco she’ll pick me up a doggie bag.

You can fetch The Doggie Bag at Petco (selection may vary at different stores) and on Amazon for $17.