
Most of you have heard that Hurricane Sandy aka Frankenstorm has been barreling it’s way towards the east coast. Being that I live in Pennsylvania, the hurricane was set to hit my area on Monday evening with full furry.

Hurricane Sandy // Frankenstorm 2012 // Ammo the Dachshund

I made lots of preparations like tucking my ponies safely into the barn, sandbagging up mom’s shop in town, and making sure I had plenty of kibble and water.

Hurricane Sandy // Frankenstorm 2012 // Ammo the Dachshund

I battened down the hatches and prepared for the looming Frankenstorm to approach.

Hurricane Sandy // Frankenstorm 2012 // Ammo the Dachshund

Trips to the farm in the wind and rain to keep my ponies safe were inevitable, but I tried my best to stay warm.

Hurricane Sandy // Frankenstorm 2012 // Ammo the Dachshund

I hope everyone that the hurricane has effected has stayed safe, and I’ll be sure to update everyone on how I weather the storm just as soon as it moves out of my area (hopefully by wednesday).

As always you can stay up to date on all my adventures in the storm on my facebook page. Wishing you all the best!


**update** I made it through the storm, and although I did lose power around 9pm at night it did come back a few hours later. My house faired well with just some down leaves and a few branches but the farm is still without power. I’ll be heading out soon to check on mom’s shop in town – and we’re hoping the water from the Brandywine River didn’t flood the area. I hope everyone else stayed safe!Ammo the Dachshund

October Instagram Weekend

My Birthday weekend was a whirlwind of opening presents, hanging out at the shop, running on the farm, and curling up at home.

I’m still recovering from all the fun, but I thought I’d give you a little taste of what I’ve been up to via my Instagram photos….

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Mom had her own busy weekend filled with weddings and ranch sorting with the ponies, but she still had time to give me the best Birthday ever! Thanks mom!

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund // Instagram Weekend

Ammo the Dachshund

Did you pack your Swimmies?

ammo the dachshund it's raining cats and dogs

Some of my weekend plans got washed away when a big storm came rolling in on Saturday night.

ammo the dachshund it's raining cats and dogs

I’ll admit, I was a little sad that I had to spend most of my weekend inside of the barn instead of hunting groundhogs and running around the farm.

ammo the dachshund it's raining cats and dogs

In fact, I was tempted just to park myself in the comfiest spot I could find and ride out the storm.

ammo the dachshund rain

My plans changed though when Nitro whispered in my ear, “Hey Ammo, Do you think if it keeps raining like this that we might all float away?”

ammo the dachshund rain

Float away? Float away?

ammo the dachshund rain

Definitely not on my watch!

ammo the dachshund rain

And boy did I watch!

ammo the dachshund rain

And after all that watching nothing got “floated away” – well aside from some of my earthworm pals (but I’m fairly certain they can swim pretty well….I think).

ammo the dachshund rain

Just as a precaution though I packed my emergency swimmies in mom’s car and my Chincoteague Pony Pals on the farm assured me that they are excellent swimmers. It’s times like these that I’m glad I have friends that were born on an island!


Rainbows and Sunsets on the Farm

Just as I was finishing up my chores on the farm last week the sky began to darken – and not just because the sun was beginning to set.

rainbows and sunsets on the farm

The rain came and went leaving everything dripping wet on the farm, but it also left something pretty awesome behind.

rainbows and sunsets on the farm

A beautiful rainbow light up the hills behind the farm.

rainbows and sunsets on the farm

I’m not sure Nitro and Jet appreciated how spectacular it was as they stuffed their horsey faces with grass.

rainbows and sunsets on the farm

I on the other hand, know a good rainbow when I see one!

rainbows and sunsets on the farm

As I waddled about the farm enjoying my rainbow I couldn’t help but think that this is truly what SPRING is all about.

rainbows and sunsets on the farm

The garden is growing.

rainbows and sunsets on the farm

Even the weeds are sprouting.

rainbows and sunsets on the farm

And enjoying some rainfall under a rainbow on the farm is heaven….

rainbows and sunsets on the farm

…especially when it brings the earthworms out to play! 

Singing in the Rain

Lately you’d think I live in Seattle – on account of all the rain we’ve been getting in Pennsylvania. Seems like every week there are new flood watches issued, and everyday looks a little gloomier.

ammo the dachshund rainy day

It’s days like these that you look out the window barn door and think, why bother.

But then I remember, just because it looks dreary outside doesn’t mean my day can’t be filled with adventure. After all, it’s always best to look on the bright side of things.

ammo the dachshund rainy day

A little mountain climbing in the manure pile…..

ammo the dachshund rainy day

….and some sniffing for ground hogs in the far pasture make for some wonderful rainy day fun.

ammo the dachshund rainy day

The hills are alive with the sound of my barking, as I dance in the rain!

ammo the dachshund rainy day


Hurricane Irene

On Saturday evening Hurricane Irene made it’s way towards my home in Pennsylvania. I’ve never been in a hurricane before (after all I’m only 2!), so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I knew enough to be a little scared, especially since mom and dad brought in all of our outdoor patio stuff, and mom weatherproofed the shop on Saturday morning.

Several hours into the storm we lost power, only moments after we heard of a Tornado warning for our area on the news. So into the basement we went to hunker down for about 20 minutes before the threat passed.

I of course used this time to practice my scary bark threats – you know – to tell Irene to get outta here!

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

The next morning I woke to a still very windy and rainy mess outside – which meant I had to spend most of the day inside. If you can’t tell I was a little depressed. Mom and Dad tried to keep me occupied by playing scrabble with me (especially since there still was no power), but I really just wanted to go exploring.

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

In the late afternoon the storm finally cleared, and we headed out for a drive to take care of the ponies (who weathered the storm just fine).

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

I couldn’t believe how much the water had risen along the Brandywine, which runs just below the farm.

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

On the way back we stopped by the shop to make sure that it fared the storm ok.

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

Luckily there was no water damage even though many of the streets in town were flooded. But there was some wind damage to the awning out front. Mom says she hopes it’s not too expensive to fix, I told her I’d try to sell a painting to help pay for it!

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

Power was out at both the shop and at home, so lucky for me I got to spend the evening playing board games with my family. The “Chester County” game continued on into the wee hours of the night.

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

ammo the dachshund hurricane irene

Power at the house was out until mid-day Monday – which makes me very glad that I’m a dog, and I don’t require indoor plumbing!


P.S. I hope that all my friends weathered the storm ok and no one suffered any major damage. I’ll be searching for my groundhogs tomorrow to make sure they made it through the storm ok.

Thunder Dog

“Thunder Dog” – that’s totally an awesome superdog name if you ask me. I was actually thinking maybe I could use it. Ammo, The Thunder Dog or Ammo, Dog of Thunder – has a nice little ring to it, especially since the sky has been giving me lots of it lately.

thunder and lightning

After a nasty dry spell this summer mother nature has decided to play a cruel trick on us and let all of the summer rain come at once. Thunder so loud it shakes the ground and skies so dark I need a flashlight mid-day to hunt my groundhogs.

thunder and lightning

It’s actually sort of peaceful out on the farm as the ominous clouds start rolling in.

ammo the dachshund thunder and lightning

*wince* But, the THUNDER is out of this World!

ammo the dachshund thunder and lightning

Then the sky opens up and buckets upon buckets of water begin to blanket the ground. And really, there is only one thing to do when that happens….

ammo the dachshund thunder and lightning

….scream your head off and run around like crazy! (rain is fun, didn’t you know?)

chesapeake Lightning

Even the ponies are super excited about the rain, especially Chesapeake Lightning aka Blitz (see he was MADE for the rain) – because with rain, comes grass, and those ponies LOVE to eat!

Me, I love the rain, but sometimes what happens after the rain is even better.


Hello Mr. Rainbow, did you come to brighten up my day?

double rainbow

But, holey moley, I must have the luck of a leprechaun, because it’s a Double Rainbow (do you see it?). Time to run around screaming my head off again – because I’m sure this is gonna bring me a whole bunch of luck!

What about you? Is mother nature storming on your parade too? Or are you puddle jumping and running around like crazy because you’ve been seeing Double Rainbows too? Do tell!

Rainbows and Sunshine

My recent camping trip wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine as you might have guessed. See, I had a very important job to do on the camping trip. I was in charge of training Blitz (or young Blitzen as I like to call him) how to tie properly.

blitz and ammo

He looks pretty good right? You would have never guessed he started out like this:


Naughty ponies don’t get sugar cubes later on! Don’t worry though, I had a little talk with him. He has so much to learn about the World.

blitz and ammo

And we were just in the midst of really making some progress on Blitz’s training when the nasty thunderstorms came and cancelled the second day of competition for my pony friends.

ammo the dachshund camping

I might have had to hide under a towel in the tent on Saturday night – but I swear I wasn’t scared…..It was just cozy in there, honest!


But even though the rain put a damper on my fun, the ponies still won me a second place ribbon – they’re pretty sweet like that.

fallen tree

Mother nature wasn’t done having her little fun with me though, because on the way home (5 minutes from the farm to boot) we got stuck at a fallen tree. Luckily the nice electric company came to save me, although I did tell them that my teeth are razor sharp and I could have easily hacked that log to bits in no time!

But even without my rainbows and sunshine I still had a pretty awesome adventure!


Raining Cats and Dogs

On Tuesday Mom said it was raining cats and dogs outside. Seeing as how I’ve only ever seen regular rain, I was super excited to check out all my new cat and dog friends when I got home from work. So I burst through the doggie door in search of said “cats and dogs”.

ammo the dachshund doggie door

I bounded all over the yard looking for my new friends.

ammo the dachshund in the rain

So you can imagine my disappointment when all I found was regular old rain.

ammo the dachshund in the rain

ammo the dachshund in the rain

“Momma, where are all the cats and dogs?”

ammo the dachshund in the rain

ammo the dachshund in the rain

Sigh. Well, the good news is that since the cats and dogs didn’t show up ….. I don’t have to share any of my toys!



I don’t know about you, but I LOVE puddles.

They’re perfect for little boys like me that love the water, but don’t really like to swim.

And they always seem to have just the right amount of mud!

Ploppity, Plop, Plop, Plop. That’s what it sounds like when I walk in puddles.

I’d live in this puddle if I could.

Now if I could just find mom’s keys!