

Mom says I’m a busybody.

Ammo the Dachshund // Busybody on the Farm

I didn’t know what a busybody was, so I looked it up.

bus·y·bod·y (bz-bd)
n. pl. bus·y·bod·ies
A person who meddles or pries into the affairs of others.

Ammo the Dachshund // Busybody on the Farm
Okay, okay…..so maybe as soon as the horses are turned out for the night I sneak into their stalls and sniff every square inch to find out what went on while I wasn’t looking.

Ammo the Dachshund // Busybody on the Farm

How else am I going to find out what they had for dinner, or how many pieces of hay they ate, or better yet….who pooped where?

Ammo the Dachshund // Busybody on the Farm

I just like to stay informed! Ammo the Dachshund


Just when I thought cardboard was only good for one thing (chewing up of course), mom showed me a whole new use for it!

Here’s me racing up the stairs to the loft so I can help mom. I know I have crazy eyes, but I promise, I’m not crazy.

Something smells different up here!

It’s new bedding for the ponies!

I think we should use this one.

Who would have thought….cardboard bedding? You think I can still chew it?

Mom says this stuff is supposed to be a little less dusty, eco-friendly, and cheaper! As long as I’m still allowed to play in it, it gets a paws up from me!