Super Dog vs. Super Pony – School Addition

***UPDATE*** we realize this video is being blocked for some people – as soon as possible we will upload another version. Thanks for baring with these technical difficulties!

Do you remember when I made my first Elementary School Visit with my pal Minnow back in May? Well, the day has finally come – my live performance video with Minnow is complete! My Uncle Taylor (the filmmaker) shot and edited this whole video – and it turned out really cool! Not that it wouldn’t, considering I’m the star of the show.

P.S. Minnow may have won the trophy this time, but there is no way I’ll let him beat me next time!

***UPDATE*** if you are having trouble watching the video above, try this version (without the super cool super hero music) – ON YOUTUBE

Check out Depthink Productions and Envision Event Media for all of your movie making needs!


Say What?

Ammo the dachshund

Rumor has it that mom’s recapping all of Minnow’s adventures on Chincoteague Island last week on his blog. Which also means she’s hogging all my computer time….jeesh!

ammo the dachshund

So while I patiently (or not so patiently depending on how you look at it) wait my turn on the computer – you can head on over to Minnow’s blog to check out all the fun I missed when they went to Chincoteague. And don’t forget, there is one more day to enter my giveaway for a FREE Scratch Art Painting! It just might be your lucky day!

Chincoteague Fries

If you haven’t heard…..My mom is back! After spending the week on Chincoteague Island with my best pony pal, Minnow, she returned on Friday – bringing gifts for me of course!

In my case, my beach fries didn’t come from the Fireman’s Carnival – but instead, this cute little shop, Howl Naturale, down mainstreet. (UPDATE, this company is no longer in business unfortunately)

It would of been way sweeter had I been there in person – and able to sample their wares myself, but either way I was more than happy to dive into my bucket of fries in the comfort of my own home.

chincoteague dog fries

chincoteague dog fries

chincoteague dog fries

chincoteague dog fries

Mmmmmm, it tastes just like if I was at the beach too!

Giveaway: Dachshund Scratch Art

***This Contest is no longer accepting entries***


Since my mom and minnow up and left me here alone all week while they are living it up on Chincoteague Island, I decided to have my own fun on this fine Friday. And what’s more fun than FREE STUFF?

ammo the dachshund giveaway - free

So I decided to GIVEAWAY one of my very own pieces of scratch art! I made it with my very own paws! This particular piece is called White Dachshund No. 11 and I created it by scratching onto a specially prepared surface that my mom helped me make. It’s on a mauve acid free matboard background – matted in blue to fit an 11×14 frame. Trust me, this thing is a beauty in person! It comes signed by me and includes a certificate of authenticity – so you know it’s not a fake!

ammo scratch art

Below is all the details you’ll need in order to win this super awesome prize!

And be sure to check out all my other super art for sale in the shop!

PRIZE: One original piece of scratch art by Ammo the Dachshund (White Dachshund No. 11)

TO ENTER: Comment on this post (you must comment on the BLOG – not on our facebook page) with the words “SCRATCH ME” and….

BONUS QUESTION: Tell me your favorite summer hideout. Is it the creek or the dog park, or do you prefer building a fort in your basement like me?

GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 5:00pm EST


PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the World! Yeah!

RULES: one entry per e-mail address. Winner will be selected using (meaning the winner is drawn at random) – and will be announced on Friday. Good Luck!


P.S. Guess what!? My mom and Minnow come home today! I can’t wait to see what they brought me!

Super Dog and Super Fort

I’ve been hanging out in my Super Fort all week while my mom and Minnow are in Chincoteague. And yesterday I  finally got to talk to my mom on the phone, and she said Minnow has been working very hard performing at the Pony Centre all week. She even e-mailed me this picture of Minnow being all…..Super!

super minnow

Apparently he’s been drinking a lot of this:

hero juice

And after I hung up with mom and headed back to my Super Fort, I realized something was missing.

ammo the dachshund's super fort


ammo the dachshund's super fort

Yeah, we all know who’s going to win go fish today!

ammo the dachshund's super fort


P.S. Mom, if you are reading this – it was Minnow II and Ammo II that unrolled all the toilet paper in the bathroom….I swear I told them not to!

Super Fort!

Remember when I told you yesterday that my pal Minnow and my Mom left me all week to go have fun on Chincoteague Island without me? And remember how sad I was? Well, I decided to make the most of my time alone all week at home – and I did what anyone in my situation would do……I built a fort in the basement!

ammo the dachshund's super fort!

Welcome, to my Super Fort!

ammo the dachshund's super fort!

The Super Fort is quite awesome, and I even brought along a soda for later.

ammo the dachshund's super fort!

I was really having a good time in my Super Fort, but then I started to miss my Mom and Minnow again. That’s where Minnow II comes in.

ammo the dachshund's super fort!

Minnow II looks just like the real Minnow! And the best part is that he doesn’t even slobber on me when he gives me kisses!

ammo the dachshund's super fort!

Minnow II

chincoteague minnow

The real Minnow – see, almost as good as the real thing!

Anyway, Minnow II said he’d play cards with me – on account of I was all lonely at home.

ammo the dachshund's super fort!

Oh, and to my left is Ammo II – I decided it’s always best to have Dachshund’s outnumber ponies when you are playing cards.

ammo the dachshund's super fort!

I might have lost the card game and thrown a little temper tantrum. But in my defense, I think Minnow II cheated.

ammo the dachshund's super fort!

Those crafty ponies and their go fish cheating ways!


Friday Fetch: Dog Pool Float

dog pool float loungerThey don’t call it the dog days of summer for nothing! It’s scorching out there right now! That’s why if I had a pool I’d totally be begging mom and dad for one of these. Come to think of it, they might work out just great for floating down the Brandywine River too! Ooooooh Mom….

The Dog Pool Float Louger from Frontgate makes it so your favorite partner in crime can float in style – or stay cool as he lounges on the deck. It’s made of Vinyl-coated fabric and nonporous foam with make it ultra-buoyant and strong. It’s also crafted with puncture-resistant, woven vinyl mesh that won’t stain, fade, or mildew. When dampened, it will keep your pet cool and relaxed. They come in a variety of colors and sizes.

You can fetch your own Dog Pool Float Lounger from Frontgate for $90 – $130

dog pool float lounger

dog pool float lounger


Dirty Looks

ammo and trooper

We’re having a heatwave in Pennsylvania right now. Which means that Trooper and I (and the kitties) can be found trotting around the farm with our tongues hanging out….it’s that hot!

ammo and trooper

It’s so hot in fact, that our wrestling/play matches have mellowed greatly. Normally Trooper would give me this look and I’d make a B-line for his ankles – you know, to take him down for giving me dirty looks.

ammo and trooper

Instead I’ve had to resort to name calling, because wrestling in this heat just isn’t going to happen. Nana-a-boo-boo, stick you’re head in doo-doo!

P.S. a word to the wise, don’t resort to name calling unless you are fast as lightning like me – or it could end very very badly.

Have some Cake and eat it Too!

ammo the dachshund's nose

This is my nose, it’s super good at smelling things.

Ammo the dachshund birthday cake

And it’s because of my nose that I ended up in the ponies’ paddock the other day.

Ammo the dachshund birthday cake

Now I know what you’re thinking……it’s not a real Birthday cake. Yes, I was a little disappointed too, but my nose didn’t bring me here because I smelled Birthday cake.

Ammo the dachshund birthday cake

No, I smelled something different, something better.

runaway birthday cake

It’s called poly-fill! And just because it’s not a real cake, doesn’t mean it’s any less fun to eat destroy.

ammo the dachshund nose

Seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without my nose!


Motorcylce Mama

annie the motorcycle dog

This is Annie and her Dad. I met Annie on Sunday at the 4 Dogs Tavern while I was there grabbing some dinner with my mom and dad. Now normally I consider myself a pretty tough guy, but Annie, well she’s even tougher.

annie the motorcycle dog

See this is Annie’s motorcycle! She has a special seat in the back and has her very own pink helmet and goggles. I was too embarrassed to tell Annie that I have a helmet too – except I use mine to play Super Heroes.

ammo the super dog

Not too cool when you’re trying to pick up chicks – well unless she’s a damsel in distress, but that’s another story.

annie the motorcycle dog

Well Annie, I hope we meet again, because you’re one hot motorcycle mama!

ammo at 4 dogs tavern

P.S. I ordered the bacon for dinner.