Over the years I’ve been on many amazing adventures.
Many of those adventures were experienced from the backseat of Dad’s Toyota Corolla.
From trips to the lake to beach days, I have so many fond memories of riding in the back of the Corolla. But as all good adventures inevitably have to come to an end, it was finally time to say part ways with Dad’s car, just as I did a few years back with Mom’s Tahoe.
So about a month ago Dad went out and scoped out a new ride for me (and my soon to come little sister) that would have plenty of room for more fun adventures.
While I was a bit annoyed that Dad didn’t consult me first before bringing home this Mazda 3, I was somewhat curious to see if it would really compare to the reliable Corolla I had grown to love so much.
I was skeptical at first, I mean is this really that much better than the old car?
But, after my first joyride in the Mazda landed me at my favorite place, the lake, I figured it couldn’t really be all that bad.
I’m pretty sure my “after” face says it all as I screamed “MORE ADVENTURES PLEASE”!
I’ve already been busy breaking in the new Mazda to my liking.
After all, wet dog smell is an acquired scent that you have to work really hard at getting to stick to a car’s interior!
Any other dogs out there skeptical when their parents decide to upgrade cars?